Random bookish and non-bookish thoughts for this Sunday, that once again, is now almost over:
Jackie says, “I love books with complicated plots and unexpected endings. What is your favourite book with a fantastic twist at the end?”
So, today’s Booking Through Thursday's question is in two parts.
1. Do YOU like books with complicated plots and unexpected endings?
2. What book with a surprise ending is your favorite? Or your least favorite?
Yes, for sure! I LOVE books with complicated plots and unexpected endings. Some of my favorites are:
-- Life of Pi by Yann Martell: the ending is one of the best ever.
-- The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield: loved both plot and ending
-- Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card: a completely jaw-dropping ending, I'll never forget the first time reading this one!
-- The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck: while the ending isn't really a twist, it sure is memorable
-- When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead: the recent Newbery Award winner has quite an unexpected end too.
-- Bel Canto by Ann Patchett: did you expect this ending?
What would be on YOUR list?
Hmmmm, it appears we are divided on the length and detail of reactions! Other important parts of a review post appear to be a reader rating, genre, and links to other reviews.
Things that don't seem to be important to you my readers are: long summary, author information, publisher information, book trailers, publishing date, movie tie-ins or the first line.
So, what do you think? Did that all shake down like you expected? It appears that the stuff I've included in my review information has been pretty much right on. Cool.
Ending stats: I spent probably 15 hours on Bloggiesta. I didn't really do the mini challenges... sorry about that. I did look at them all and learn from them though, which is a good thing. I did try to comment on a bunch of new bloggers blogs, but I probably only did a handful like 15 or so. I enjoyed the overall enthusiasm, the Twitter chat, and seeing all the stuff everyone else was doing. Let's do it again! Hopefully I'll be around for the next one in June.
Meanwhile, I've been trying to read too. I'm completely immersed in Robert Jordan's The Eye of the World. And I also started Brandon Sanderson's Warbreaker...wow that's been amazing so far. Book club is in a week and a half and I'd really like to re-read North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell, but not sure I'll fit it in, because I also need to read some Edith Wharton for The Classic Circuit.
Oh, and I have a blog tour scheduled, but haven't received the book! Now that's going to be tricky! :)
And now it's now and I need to remember what I was going to do next regarding Bloggiesta!
But first, some pictures. (My husband looked so official with is camera today that The King's English people asked him if he could send them some of his pictures since their camera died! )
Shannon and her husband Dean, and their illustrator extraordinaire, Nathan.
The above three pictures are Shannon and Dean demonstrating what it's like to collaborate together, like a fiin-tuned ice skating routine! They were hillarious!
Me, JJ and Toto getting our books signed.
What I accomplished so far: