This week's question over at
There's a Book for her fun meme is:
Do you have any hobbies (not necessarily talents) besides reading?
I love the (not necessarily talents) disclaimer! Yep, I have many many hobbies, but truly not many talents, so I'm willing to list them for you if you promise to keep that mind!
Music: I love it. I find it creeping into my supposedly "all about books" blog quite often these days. I feel a strong need to talk and share music. I'm old, but I still feel young with regard to music. I think that's a good thing. Some of this is manifested also by my intense desire to go to concerts of all genres. I really really love them. Is this a hobby? Yes, I think so, and a very expensive one! If you are a regular reader, you'll know that my biggest music obsession is all things Josh Groban. And so guess what I must share right now? He has a new single as part of his promotion for a new album! And you can download it for free! And I get points (for what, I don't know) if you
use this link to do it!!! So what are you waiting for? Just do it already.
TV: Once upon a time I thought TV was a bad thing. Yes, many people still think this. But a few years ago, I decided life is too short to stress about feeling guilty about watching some TV. So, I embraced the temptation and my life has NOT suffered in the least! Many people also think that you can only do one or the other, read or watch TV. This, I do no get. Seriously, you CAN do both! Anyway, I think it's a very fun past time. Some of my current favorites, if you don't already know, are Amazing Race, Survivor, Chuck, American Idol, Vampire Diaries and Friday Night Lights. Some past favorites include: Lost, Heroes, Early Edition, Moonlight, Pushing Daisies, Star Trek Voyager, etc. Our recent hobby (discovery) as you DO probably know is having marathon TV viewing days and watching old series that we missed, like Prison Break, Robin Hood, Gilmore Girls, Firefly, and so on. What a blast of a way to watch TV!! I highly recommend it, but save it for a time when you don't have too many other pressing life issues.

uilting: Before blogging there was quilting. Yes, this hobby has suffered in a big big way the last few years. But I still long to go back to it. I dream of it all the time. I yearn to play with fabric! I want to create. Maybe I can get back into this one of these days! (Here's a picture of a couple I made for babies. I think before it was over, I made about 10 versions of this baby quilt.)
Scrapbooking: as in slapping together some pictures on a page, NOT as in creating major masterpieces. I like to preserve memories, but I don't do the cutsy stuff. No patience (or talent) for that. But I do take a lot of pictures and I do print many of them and then actually put them in a book so they can be looked at. Is that a hobby? Sort of perhaps.
Other bookish hobbies: For years, I've volunteered as the
book fair chairperson for the elementary school. Since my youngest is now in 6th grade, this will be my last year at that. I think I'm ready to be done though, so that's good. But, it's been fun. Also, I have a
book club that completely enjoy being in charge of. And then there's the
library, where I go and work for 12 hours a week. It's more like a hobby than a job, really. How cool is that? Oh, and then there's the local
author stalking that's very fun, showing up wherever they are appearing. Yes, it's a hobby of sorts!
So, if I'm not reading or blogging or doing mom duties, I'm probably doing one of the above things! Or at least thinking about doing them!
What things do you like to do when you aren't reading or blogging?