- Historical Fiction
- Childhood Favorites: Picture Books
- Animal Books
- Read Again for the First Time
- Science Fiction/Fantasy
- Love Triangles
- Chunky Classics

Authors Pick Five: Whenever I have contact with an author, my hope is to ask them what five books have been most influential in their life. Here's what I have so far:

- RecommenDud: A book you hate that everyone else love
- CheckBook: A book that you find yourself checking to see how many more pages are left, on every single page!
- Memoread: A book that reminds you of another book you have already read, not necessarily in plot, but in tone and atmosphere.
- Wait-listed: A book that continually gets moved to the 'next in the pile,' but never gets read.
- Marginally Challenged: A book with very little space between lines (likely, it's a public domain book/classic) giving deceivingly few pages to read.
- Misunderbook: A book that you LOVE, but everyone else (well almost everyone) HATES.
- A Flick Pick: A book you read after you've seen the movie.
- Olibook: A book you read because you think you should in order to be well-read.
- Whoopsabooksy: A book you buy that you forgot you already read/own.
The Printz Project: After reading a loving several Printz award or honor winners, I decided I needed to read them all. A project or challenge of this sort didn't exist, so Jessica of The Bluestocking Society and I created one. Join us! It's an ongoing, perpetual, easy challenge.
Weekly Geeks: A wonderful weekly meme started by blogger extraordinaire, Dewey. When she passed on, a few of us came together to make sure Weekly Geeks lived on. I'm happy to be part of that group, and will be posting a question or project now and then on the Weekly Geek blog.
What the family is reading: This is an official feature of sorts where every now and then in a Sunday Salon post , I'll list.... what the family is reading. People seem to enjoy it, so I'll keep it up. The family consists of: The Mr., Bud (20, and away from home at the moment), JJ (17), Moder (14) and Toto (10). Click here for an example.
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