Today for my Sunday Salon post, I'd like to report on my Saturday, not my Sunday!
First, we were awakened bright and early at 9:45 a.m. (can you say... sleeping in!) by a loud knock and doorbell ring. Was it the UPS man? The mailman maybe? YES! My Amazon order that I've been waiting for arrived!
Here's what I got:
Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr
The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary Pearson
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexie
I'm so anxious to read them all! But can I read them yet? No. That's because I need to read some books that are being promoted at the book fair this year, which is coming up in a few weeks. What am I reading for that you ask? This is my pile so far:
Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn
Elephant Run by Roland Smith
Schooled by Gordon Korman
What else should I be reading that I REALLY hope to find time for in the middle of everything else? The book for my next blog tour experience coming up next month: The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff. It's quite the big one, so I really need to make sure I find time before the last minute!
What happened next on my Saturday?

After gathering kids from here and there, I took a couple of them, along with a friend and her daughter, to J. Scott Savage's release party for Farworld: Water Keep... the book for which I did a blog tour awhile back and reviewed HERE. That was fun to meet him (again) and have him sign some posters and to buy the official, final version of his book which will be a Christmas present for someone. :) It was also fun to say hi to his wife, because as we know, behind every successful.. and married... author is an amazing supportive spouse! So that was all quite fun!
Let's see. Then I read a bit, and have just a chapter left to go on Found. Great book for all those who are fans of the Shadow Children series.
Then the excitement of the day continued when my 13 year old son, the drummer, had his first band gig! Playing at a girl's party! And having people dance while they played, and girls giggling all around him! And some of them even singing the lyrics. Wow! This is my son that is so shy, that when I took him to say hi to J. Scott Savage earlier in the day, so he could tell him in person that he thought his book was "better than Harry Potter", he hid behind a tree and refused! It was an exciting night for him and his friends who have been dreaming about being a band for awhile now, and it seems that perhaps it just might actually happen!
It was a great day.
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