Friday, June 29, 2007
Something About Me Challenge: Preliminary List

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Mini Review: Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports

Mine Review: The Quilter's Apprentice

Mini Review: The Dragon's Tapestry

Friday, June 22, 2007
Two Together
Booking Through Thursday on a Friday: School Days
Since school is out for the summer (in most places, at least), here’s a school-themed question for the week:
Do you have any old school books? Did you keep yours from college? Old textbooks from garage sales? Old workbooks from classes gone by?
How about your old notes, exams, papers? Do you save them? Or have they long since gone to the great Locker-in-the-sky?
Yes, I have a bunch of books from college, and workbooks. Every now and then I have a fun moment flipping through them and having memories. But then I think I really should get rid of them too. I need the space for other books!
I do have a bunch of old notebooks full of notes too, mostly from high school actually. I haven't flipped through them in a long time. I have file full of old school stuff, and in fact, I've been making one for my kids too and just yesterday I went through their stuff from this past year and decided what to save and what to chuck. I think I'm saving too much stuff, but I figure when they are older, they can go through the file again and weed it out a bit more. Hopefully they'll enjoy having some school stuff to look through, years down the road.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Mini-review: The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud

Mini-Review: Austenland by Shannon Hale

Min-Review: Papa Married a Mormon by John D. Fitzgerald

Friday, June 15, 2007
A New Favorite Author
I LOVE her style and way with words, so I'm excited to get going on them. After reading those three, there's two more she's written that I'll find and read... then I'll be all caught up with her books and will be standing by for her to finish more!
But first I have to finish up a couple others, and then I got anther book that was on hold, so I have to read it first.... *sigh*
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Ten Years Ago

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A Funny Conversation

Moder(12 years old): The first one we had was Super Nintendo, right?
The Mr.: Right. But there was just a regular Nintendo before that.
Moder: Then we got Nintendo 64. But instead of getting Game Cube we got Xbox.
Toto (8 years old): And now we have the Wii!
The Mr.: I remember when there weren’t any video games.
Moder and Toto: No video games????
The Mr.: Yeah, the first video game I ever saw was on a thing called Atari and the game was called Pong. It was just a couple of lines and a bouncing dot.
Moder: Really? Do you still have it?
Me: Uh, yeah. That wasn’t very long ago you know.
Moder: Yeah, Dad says the first one was Atari.
Me: Yeah, we had that too. You know, once there wasn’t any DVD players.... or even any VCR movies... or even any CDs!!!
Toto: (with huge eyes and chin on the floor): Really? No movies?
Moder: What’d you do? You coudln’t watch a movie whenever you wanted? How’d you watch a movie then?
Me: We went to the theater. Or watched on TV.
Moder: There were TVs then?
Me: Uh, yeah! We had TV!! Hello! I’m not THAT old!
Moder: So, what about music?
Me: We had records, tapes and the radio. Hey, did you know we had NO COMPUTERS either!
Toto: WHAT? No computers? Wow......
Me: Yeah, we used typewriters.
Moder: Oh, yeah, I’ve seen those. Now, they are cool! So.. you didn’t have internet then either, right?
Me: Right, no computers, no internet. We got internet about the time you were born. The first computer we had was when I was in high school. Wow, that was so cool to be able to type something up and then print it.
Moder: So.... did you have ovens?
Me: Yeah.... but no MICROWAVE ovens!
Moder: So... how’d you cook popcorn?
Me: With the air popper or on the stove top.
Moder and Toto: So, with no movies, no computer, and no video games.... what’d you do?
Moder: HEY!! I know! THAT’S why you like books so much! That’s all you had to do!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Four Books to Talk About!

Book: I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
Genre: Scifi/Horror
Rating: A-
In my ongoing quest to explore the vampire genre a little more, I picked this one up after hearing about it here on blogs in several places. Wierd how I've never heard of it before since it's been around quite awhile.
This was an interesting, quite scientific take on the vampire. There's one last man left after a plague has claimed all the other people in the world, a plague that turns them into vampires. He has carved out quite the existence in this world, and studies the vampires until he has it all figured out, he thinks.
Anyway, I enjoyed it. It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but very interesting. Short too.

Book: The Pilot's Wife by Anite Shreeve
Genre: Contemp. Fiction
Rating: B+
Finally!.... after how many years since it's been on the Oprah List? I picked this up to be my treadmill book for the week/month. But I had a hard time leaving it on the treadmill once my walking session was over!
I remember people saying this story was "earth shattering" and "shocking!" Well, I wouldn't quite put it in that category, but it was page-turning. But quite sad and depressing too, but then again, it WAS on the Oprah List, which means it HAS to be depressing, right?

Book: Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: A
I realized yesterday that this author is visiting our library on Tuesday! The kids checked out these two books (Heck Superhero too) and so I quickly read them so I can feel "in the know" on Tuesday!
Anyway, I LOVED this book. Very fairy-tale-ish. Not so predictable ending, and told with fantastic fairy-tale language. GREAT description and characters. I just loved it.
It's about this girl who cheats Death, but in the process he falls in love with her... Death that is... being an amazing looking man in black. He keeps giving her more and more days to live, meanwhile, she's trying to accomplish all there is to do in those days. Save her village, marry off her friends, and fall in love herself!

Book: Heck Superhero by Martine Leavitt
Genre: YA
Rating: A
I just read this in a couple of hours today. Another great story. I think I've found a new favorite author!
This one is a little sad though, about a homeless boy trying to find his mom who's walked out on him yet again. He lives in a bit of fantasy world that helps him to cope, but gives him quite a great outlook on life. Yes, I cried at the end.
I'm really looking forward to library day this week and hearing this author speak. She should be fantasic if her books are any clue as to her personality.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Name That Tune Answers
1. Hey Deanie by Shaun Cassidy
2. Nights in White Satin by The Moody Blues
3. The Mummer’s Dance by Loreena McKennitt
4. Heat of the Moment by Asia
5. You are Loved by Josh Groban
6. Oh, Yeah by Yello (LOVE Yello!)
7. We’ve Only Just Begun by the Carpenters
8. Get Back by the Beatles
9. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego by Rockapella
10. Beth by Kiss
11. Chim Chimani by Dick Van Dyke
12. YMCA by The Village People
13. My Sharonna by the Knack
14. Indian Reservation by Paul Revere and the Raiders
15. The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Nylons
16. Wizards of Winter by Trans Siberian Orchestra (Yes, the Christmas Lights House song)
17. Evil Ways by Santana
18. Holiday by Green Day
19. Concerto in A Flat minor by Grieg
20. Pressure by Billy Joel
Thanks for playing!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Pondering Magazines

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Name That Tune #1
....so, go ahead and see if you can name that tune! Comment with your guesses.
Summer Library Days

Booking Through Thursday: Encore

Almost everyone can name at least one author that you would love just ONE more book from. Either because they’re dead, not being published any more, not writing more, not producing new work for whatever reason . . . or they’ve aged and aren’t writing to their old standards any more . . . For whatever reason, there just hasn’t been anything new (or worth reading) of theirs and isn’t likely to be.
If you could have just ONE more book from an author you love . . . a book that would be as good any of their best (while we’re dreaming) . . . something that would round out a series, or finish their last work, or just be something NEW . . . Who would the author be, and why? Jane Austen? Shakespeare? Laurie Colwin? Kurt Vonnegut?
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Reviews: The Pale Immortal and The Lost City of Faar

Book: The Lost City of Faar (2nd book in the Pendragon series)by D.J. MacHale
Rating: B
Genre: YA Fantasy
I read the first of this series a couple of years ago. Since then, my kids have totally devoured the whole series and have said, "Mom, you gotta read the rest of them!" So finally I picked this one up.
I must say though, it didn't grab me as much as the first one. This series is about a 14 year old kid, Bobby Pendragon, who learns he is the Traveler from Second Earth. As such, he is chosen to move between worlds to help solve various problems that crop up and and to try and save everyone from be destroyed by the major evil bad guy!
This 2nd one was fine, but just not as exciting as the first. My kids LOVE them though and read them one right after the other. I may give it a break before I go on to the third!

Book: The Pale Immortal by Anne Frasier
Rating: B+
Genre: Suspense/Fantasy
It's kinda funny how I ended up with this book. We were at a BB game for our son, and my husband noticed a mom reading, so knowing I'd too shy to ask her about it but knowing I'd be curious, he up and asked her what she was reading. So she said it was a "light, for fun" vampire book and we started talking about the trend for vampire books lately.
Since then, I kept thinking about it and wondering if it was a good one or not. So finally, I ordered it from PBS and read it as soon as it came.
This is the story of small town with a legend of a vampire in its past. It's about a recluse author who can't go out in the day because he has that disease... allergic-to-the-sun thing. It's about a 16 year old kid who gets mixed up with the wrong crowd and who is trying to find out who he is. All in all, an interesting plot, but...
.... my feeling is that this it not really the kind of vampire book I'm in search of. It was a bit too gory for me. I want mysterious, romantic, haunting, with just a touch of creepy. This was a bit too crude and over the top for my taste. (Definitely not light and for fun!) The "traditional" vampire genre may just not be for me, but still, I'm curious about it and will keep looking!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Awards Challenge: Sign Me Up!

So here's my list for THIS challenge (which I'll also put on the sidebar soon):