Here it is Sunday, the end of a fun-filled, crazy, Thanksgiving five day weekend! I feel like I'm just coming back from a long vacation, and yet, I haven't gone anywhere. I had so many plans to accomplish so many things, but I ended up playing the whole time and getting nothing at all done.
Wednesday: The five day weekend begun. We were all free from school and work. I think I did get a very very small bit of shopping done this day. We all split up and went our separate ways that afternoon. The kids thought that was especially great since they were out on the town on their own too. That evening we just hung out.
Thursday: We joined my family for dinner around noon, and spent the rest of the day with them. I made four pies and the sweet potatoes. We finished off the pies when we got home, but there's still lots of sweet potatoes left!
Friday: Slept in until nearly 11:00! Now THAT's what I'm talking about! :) None of this shopping at 4:00 am for me! But even with that good sleep, I didn't feel too great that day and ended up resting a lot during the day. I had plans to shop later, but ended up not going out at all until evening when we had yet another family party. This time at a brother's house who couldn't make it to Thanksgiving the day before. We had pizza, white elephant presents, and decorated cookies. We came home and watched Survivor (On Demand) and read until late.
Saturday: Slept in until.... ugh... nearly 11:00 a.m. AGAIN! Then, my sister, who had been trying to figure out a sister's New Moon adventure, called and said we had to go to the noon showing! So JJ and I got ready quickly and met my two sisters at the theater and saw New Moon again... dejavu from the Saturday of last week. I loved seeing it again. Totally enjoyed it all. Then we came home, ate pizza leftovers with the boys who were watching the big rival game, then went BACK to the movies and saw The Blind Side. What a wonderful inspirational movie that is! And then, when we got home from that, everyone left, and it was time to go to bed already. I did NOTHING but watch movies and worry about food all day long. Oh, and Moder bought a beta fish. Add that to our pet list now!
Sunday: Today is actually being fairly normal. Church, dinner, and now blogging and hopefully reading, all followed by Amazing Race later. Oh, and a nap sometime. Because even with all that sleeping in all weekend, I'm still tired. Funny how that happens.
Book related, when I had reading time this weekend, I managed to get myself totally immersed in the Vampire Diaries saga. Totally different from the TV show. Character names are the same, but that's pretty much it. And I've been reading my Wilkie Collins book, Hide and Seek, quite a bit. It's fun too.
But I haven't done any shopping, and we planned to paint Toto's room and that didn't happen, and I wanted to get all ready for the big church party I'm in charge of this Friday and I didn't do much with that. I need to finish getting the outside lights figured out, and turned on. But the tree and the rest of the decor... they are waiting until next weekend I'm thinking.
What a crazy weekend. Fun, but crazy.
How did your weekend go? Crazy too? Or were you able to relax? Did you get any reading done at all?