Saturday, October 31, 2009
Review: The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry

Friday, October 30, 2009
Randomness Takes Over
Thursday, October 29, 2009
RIP IV Challenge Complete!

Booking Through Thursday: Blurb

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Bookword Game: Voting Time!

The word list:
Squat Thought suggested by Sheila
Throne Tome suggested by CarrieK
Books for the Head suggested by Jau
Bathroom Book suggested by Booklogged
A Can Read suggested by Bybee
Here's the poll:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Review: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days by Jeff Kinney
Genre: MG Fiction
Rating: A
For: Fun
Can I just say one more time how much I love these books! This fourth one does not disappoint and continues the wonderful tradition established in the first three. Our hero, the wimpy kid, Greg, writes in his diary about surviving summer. Yes, it's nice to be out of school, but he was at least looking forward to riding the Cranium Shaker on his vacation but his parents have decided they don't have the money for the beach this year. So he's stuck at home, which is made worse because he has a falling out with his best friend.
So he's left to go to the local pool, and try to start a business to make some money, and suffer through his mom's efforts to get him to do something other than watch TV and play video games.
Sounds awfully familiar! That's what is great about these books. They are so simple with hardly any plot, yet so funny because they are eerily true to life. Kids get it. Adults get it. They are wonderful for everyone.
And because I know my fellow book bloggers will love this, here's a bit I just have to quote. Greg's mom has started a book club to try to overcome the TV issue. He says:
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Sunday Salon: Readathon Wrap Up

Books read: One (Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen)
Books read: One whole book (Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days), the second half another(The Lightning Thief), and the first half of another (Boys are Dogs)
1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
5. How many books did you read?
I only read three books. I wish it were possible to read more. Maybe I'll try more graphic novels next year and that would help the book count to be higher. But to look at the stacks I made and then only do three? Sheesh. That's sad.
6. What were the names of the books you read?
8. Which did you enjoy least?
See previous answer!
10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again?
Here's one more picture of Toto reading and you can see how her spot changed over the course of the day, from how it looked like at the beginning, which is on one of my previous mini challenge posts:
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Readathon: Seventh Update
What I'm reading now: Nothing! I quit! Spent more time since the last update blogging.
Did I finish anything since last update: Yes, I finished The Seer of Shadows
How many pages read since last update: 50
How many pages total: 730 or so
How many hours/minutes read since last update: about 1 hour
How many hours/minutes total: 11 ish... I don't really know actually
What the family is reading: same as last update. JJ nearly done with Along for the Ride, and Toto still working on Boys are Dogs. Update, JJ is done! Book just landed on the floor.
What we are listening to: nothing now. It's quiet.
What we are eating: nothing now, we are done with food too!
Distractions: Hmmm.... same as before! Mostly now, we are all dragging and too tired to go on.
BUT... it's been so fun! I will do a better wrap up type post tomorrow when I can think straight!
Thanks for all the comments and cheer leading everyone! You made my day!
Good afternoon, good evening and good night! (Good morning for some too I'm thinking!)
Readathon: Mini Challenge: Five Children's Books
Ferdinand the Bull by Munro Leaf
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgsen Burnett
Mr. Pines Mixed Up Signs by Leonard Kessler
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
This list could be huge! Hard to stop at five!
Readathon: Mini Challenge: Music
Pandora has been our friend this day. I had to have music, but we just had it on subtle and soft and without lyrics. We started out with New Age stuff like this from Vangelis:
And then we went to classical like this from Beethoven:
But then we went back to my normal Quick Mix of all favorites were we heard stuff like this:
Yep, the music has for sure been part of our day!
Readathon: Sixth Update
Thanks for all the comments on the last update! Wow. My all time comment record! It took me awhile to realize I was the "reader of the hour" so that was funny! But thank you to everyone!
And now my update:
What I'm reading now: The Seer of Shadows by Avi... nearly done.
Did I finish anything since last update: not quite
How many pages read since last update: 153
How many pages total: 683
How many hours/minutes read since last update: 3 hours, with lots of stops and starts
How many hours/minutes total: 10 perhaps?
What the family is reading: Toto finished both The Lightning Thief and Wimpy Kid #4 since last update. She has now moved on to Boys are Dogs by Leslie Margolis. JJ is on page 280 of Along for the Ride. She had a major break because she doesn't WANT to finish it. She watched TV and made our pizza and treats.
What we are listening to: we got sick of classical and moved on to my "quick mix" on Pandora made up of all my favorite music
What we are eating: pizza, crispy treats, apple juice, peanut m&ms.... I feel a little sick....
Distractions: food, and this dumb computer that is being so so slow and making all my blog check in's take forever!!! Ug. BUT, I'm not really tired any more. That "can't keep my eyes open" feeling went away for the time being. I plan to read at least a couple more hours. But then sadly, I will have to go to bed for the night.
I'm about ready to do the music mini challenge... and maybe check on what else is up since I last looked.
It's been a great day.
Readathon: Fifth Update
What I'm reading now: The Seer of Shadows by Avi... I think. I'm going to start and see if it grabs me or not.
Did I finish anything since last update: Yes! I finished The Amaranth Enchantment! Fun story.
How many pages read since last update: about 110
How many pages total: 530 total
How many hours/minutes read since last update: It's been 3 hours, but I've probably only read half that time what with lunch, the computer and the nap.
How many hours/minutes total: Ummm... starting to lose track of this number. Maybe 7 or so.
What the family is reading: JJ is loving Along for the Ride and doesn't want it to end. She has 50 or so pages left. (She is taking a break now to watch Heroes.) Toto is only a few pages from finishing The Lightning Thief.
What we are listening to: Got sick of New Age and switched to classical for a bit.
What we are eating: Had grilled ham and cheese for lunch. Pondering ice cream now.
Distractions: Tiredness is the main distraction now, and Moder who is being bored at all this reading going on, and doesn't really want to join in full force.
Challenges: Did a couple more challenges a bit ago and posted pictures.
Readathon: Mini Challenge: Collection Obsession

Readathon: Mini Challenge: Who Keeps Me Company?
Readathon: Fourth Update
What I'm reading now: my book choice hasn't changed yet, still working on The Amaranth Enchantment, but I'm really enjoying it and am getting close to being done!
Did I finish anything since last update: not yet
How many pages read since last update:100
How many pages total: 410
How many hours/minutes read since last update: about 2 hours or so... had some fairly large interruptions
How many hours/minutes total: 5 ish
What the family is reading: JJ is on page 103 of Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen, she's been reading a couple of hours with me now. Moder read all of 15 min with us, The Maze Runner by James Dashner. Toto was reading along quite nicely, but then friends came over and enticed her outside.
What we are listening to: streaming a New Age station on Pandora... lovely reading music I think
What we are eating: nothing interesting. I think it's time for lunch though. A sandwich of some sort
Distractions: For starters, my sister dropped by to bring back borrowed books, and then I had to give her the report on book club the other nigh that she missed. Anyway, we talked for awhile. Then Moder keeps coming in here and bouncing off the walls. Then the friends rang the doorbell... and then... I got very very sleepy and a 15 min. nap! Whew. Reading all day isn't easy! :)
There's a couple of mini challenges I'd like to do. That'll be in the next post. I'm doing LOUSY at visiting other people. Maybe as soon as I finish this book, I'll take more time to do that.
Readathon: Mini-Challenge Eat to Read
I said, "We've got M&Ms, what more do we need?" She had no suggestions! So, we are snacking on candy right now, besides the M&Ms, there's carmels, candy corn and taffy. We also have a box of crackers going at the moment. Later I think Rice Krispie Squares sound yummy. We'll be ready for lunch here in a bit too.
Anyway, so no cool food going on here. Nothing healthy either. I don't do healthy! :) (Maybe an apple later... just maybe.)
Readthon:Third Update
Did I finish anything since last update: no no no
How many pages read since last update: 20... all while helping kids sing and do parts for our church program
How many pages total: 310
How many hours/minutes read since last update: probably about 15 minutes worth :(
How many hours/mintues total: close to three hours total now
What the family is reading: the same, The Lightning Thief
What we are listening to: nothing yet, but I'm really needing music... I think I'll stream Pandora
What we are eating: Break out the candy!!! (m&m's, taffy, carmels, candy corn)
Distractions: the church thing is over, now there should be nothing I HAVE to do the rest of the day! But Moder (14 year old) is bugging me because I can't get him to read with us, but any time he catches us doing something other than reading he says "Why aren't you reading!??? You are cheating!!"
No new mini- challenges done yet. I put The Mr. in charge of Bart's sentence challenge, but I think he is ignoring me....
Readathon: Second Update
Did I finish anything since last update: nope!
How many pages read since last update: 70 pages
How many pages total: about 290
How many hours/minutes read since last update: another hour and about 15 minutes. Sheesh, could time go any faster?
How many hours/mintues total: 2 1/2
What the family is reading: Toto still working on The Lightning Thief, Moder up, but not reading. The cat has left us. The Mr. is still sleeping... I think.
What we are listening to: nothing now
What we are eating: waffles are in the works
Distractions: time to get ready for the day. We have to go to a church thing in 1/2 hour. I'm bringing my book and will update again when I get back!
MiniChallenges done since last update: I did the intro one, and placed my pin on the map!
Visits made: Haven't made too many visits yet. Still have to figure out the reading/blogging balance!
Readathon: First Update
What I'm reading now: Going to start The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry, a library book.
Did I finish anything since last update: Finished Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. Loved it! :)
How many pages read since last update: 217 pages
How many hours/minutes read since last update: One hour and 15 min. of reading
What the family is reading: Toto just got up to join the fun and is reading The Lightning Thief. She is on page 240 at the moment.
Distractions we are dealing with: Daughter JJ just left to go take the ACT test, Kitty is walking around acting like she needs attention, and I'm hungry! Oh, there's the blogging/computer/Twitter thing too. ACK!!
Readathon: Let The Games Begin!
This morning, I'm reading first from The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. See, this way I'll be successful and feel like I'm accomplishing something right off the bat! So far, no kids are up with me. Maybe in an hour or so. We'll see.
Already there's a mini challenge going on with a few little questions:
Where are you reading from today?
As in geographically location? Utah. As in where I'm reading? The couch!
3 facts about me …
- I have four kids, two boys, two girls. Oldest is 20, youngest is 10.
- I work a few hours a week at the library in the administrative office.
- I love music, TV, movies, chocolate, travelling, quilting, food, reading, blogging and fall! Just to name a few.
How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?Um... lots. I put pictures up yesterday, but I didn't count. Like 15 or so?
Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
I have no goals except to play it all by ear and see what happens, and to not stress about it all. This is fun! It would be nice if I could get a book or two read though.
If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, Any advice for people doing this for the first time?
I'm a first timer, and so advice would be cool. I'm excited just to see if I really can handle reading for a whole day.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Book Club: Report on Kite Runner Discussion
Readathon Preparation and Plans

Here's what I NEED to read: Library books that are due next week:

Here's a random stack that I COULD read: a new ARC, a borrowed book, some others that are calling to me:

Here's what I WANT to read, but I really should save them, I think (I bought these for Christmas perhaps, but then decided to give them to myself for my birthday, and that's not for a few more weeks yet, so I'm not even supposed to have them out!!!):

Then there's JJ and Moder. They didn't make a stack. I think JJ will read Along for the Ride from my library pile, and Moder will read The Maze Runner. JJ (age 17) has to take the ACT test in the morning, but then I hope she will read with us during the afternoon. Moder (age 14) says, there's no way he can read all day, but he thinks he may join us for the evening. Toto (age 10) is extremely excited about the whole event and plans to get up with me, and read all day long.

The enthusiastic family, last week just before a hike. JJ, Moder, The Mr, with Toto in front.
Our plan is to start at 6:00 a.m. our time, and read all day, ending around midnight. Then sleeping the last six hours of the 24 hours. We have to go to a church thing at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, but I'm bringing my book! The Mr. will go about his business as usual, but hopefully we can get him to sit and read with us for a bit at some point. He is still in the middle of Drood.
I've got candy to munch on and maybe we'll make Rice Krispie Squares sometime during the day. For real food, it's just going to waffles for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and pizza for dinner.
We'll start out reading on the living room couch, maybe go downstairs to the new book nook corner during the day, and also outside if the weather stays nice. We'll probably end up on my bed in the evening.
I look forward to seeing how I manage reading and blogging at the same time. I have no idea how people manage that. But I hope to update often, and participate in some mini challenges. Like I said before, it's going to be interesting to see what happens. I don't even know if I'll be able to read all day without going crazy. Hopefully I've thought of all the stuff that needs doing and get that out of the way today.
At any rate, I'm very excited to try! On with the show!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Book Club: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
I haven't blogged too much about my book club in the past... a little, but not a whole lot. I think I'm going to talk a bit more about it this year. We'll see how it goes.
So tonight we are discussing The Kite Runner. I realized at some point last year that hardly anyone in my group had read this amazing book, so I requested the book club set from the library, and we finally got our hands on it this past month.
My thoughts on the book:
The Kite Runner was the first book I ever blogged about, way before this book blog ever existed, back in the day when my little Yahoo 360 blog was just a tiny baby. I was blown away by it then, and after this re-read I loved it just as much the second time around. The quote "For you, a thousand times over!" is one that will forever stick with me.
The story is about Amir and his quest to redeem himself from a betrayal of his best friend when they were just kids. His friend, Hassan, was the definition of loyalty. Amir, on the other hand, had some issues. Issues that one can totally relate to. When the Russians invade, Amir and his father, Baba, escape to America, and start a new life. Amir never hears from Hassan again, and doesn't know what happens to him until he goes back to Afghanistan much much later when a friend of his father's calls him home.
It's then the he has the chance to "be good again."
What I hope we can discuss:
- the relationship between Amir and Hassan
- the relationship between Amir and Baba
- the author's description of events in Afghanistan
- the author's treatment of the different ethnic groups
- every one's level of emotional response to the story itself
- cultural differences and similarities
But food first, as I always say. (Let's not discuss anything until the food is in our hands!) I saw this recipe on a "new to me" blog, and decided I needed to try it. Pumpkin chocolate chip bars. I'm baking them now. They smell wonderful!
Then I decided to have some naan too. We've made this recipe several times at our house and have loved it, so I thought it would be fun to make it for the group tonight, since it's mentioned over and over again in the book. Anyway, it could be interesting. We'll see how it goes.
Fun links:
Discussions with the author, Khaled Hosseini
This heart-wrenching YouTube video with movie clips (spoilers in this one):
Booking Through Thursday: One Question

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Review: The Forever King by Molly Cochran and Warren Murphy
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
My Weekend in Pictures
Review: Black Angels by Linda Beatrice Brown
Monday, October 19, 2009
Weekly Geeks 2009.40: Tools of the Trade

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Suey's Top Tens: Chunky Classics

Friday, October 16, 2009
Review: All the Lovely Bad Ones by Mary Downing Hahn
This is the third Mary Downing Hahn book I've read, and though it was good and fun, I still liked the other two better. The Old Willis Place is still my favorite, with Deep and Dark and Dangerous second place.
This one started out pretty creepy with a couple of kids who have come to spend the summer at their grandma's supposedly haunted inn. They don't believe in that stuff, but decide to have fun pretending to be ghosts and freaking out all the guests.
It got creepy when they started sensing something else going on, something that they weren't creating themselves. A cold, evil feeling, a rustling in the woods, a sinister presence.
Well, of course you know, it turns out there really ARE ghosts, and they have quite the story to tell. Quite the sad story. It reminded me of a ghost walk I took when I was in York, England, and the guy told us some pretty gut-wrenching stories. The inn in this book has very similar stories.
So, it was good, and like all Mary Downing Hahn books, just creepy enough to keep the kids reading, but not so scary that they can't sleep. I love that.
Other reviews: