Genre: YA Contemporary
Rating:★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For: Review
From: (and FTC Disclosure): Received for free from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
Short Synopsis: There's this rich family that owns several vacation homes on their private island. Every summer the three sisters and their families all get together and have a wonderful time. The cousins (there's three plus one friend that joins them every summer) become best buddies. They call themselves The Liars. One summer, the summer they were fifteen, something strange happens. It is understood that our main character has an accident of some kind but she does not remember the details. We then follow her on her quest to figure out what really happened.
My Response: This book has gotten TONS of buzz! Pretty much because when you learn what really happened, it's not what you expect at all. It's crazy. It's good. It's sad. The writing is amazing and poetical. The beginning was a little confusing to me. It's one of those books where once it ends and you know what's going on, you want to re-read the beginning to see that, oh yes, I get it now!
Bottom Line: I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I don't feel the need to OVERLY gush like so many are doing, but yeah, it's a good one!
Let's Talk About: How do you feel about books with buzz? How do you feel about books with crazy endings? Does this make you want to read the book more? Less? The same? As for me, I don't mind buzzy books and I'll usually end up reading them. And I love crazy endings! :)
Other Reviews:
Let's say you want to study subtext. Read this book. Gawk at the twist you probably didn't see coming, and recover from the sucker punch right to your heart. Then read this book again. From Presenting Lenore
Definitely a book that (as you can see) will make you want to find a friend and discuss! From Anna Reads
Anyone who picks We Were Liars up without knowing anything about it is in for a treat. From Annette's Book Spot
You know when sometimes you discover that amazing book that is ALL THE THINGS? Mystery? Check. Romance? Check. Family DRA-mah? Check. Unexpectedly awesome, never-saw-it-coming ending? Check, check! From Reading Rants
I am extremely jealous that you got an ARC of this book. There has been so much buzz! I am glad that it is mostly living up to the hype. I did not love FRANKIE quite as much as others seemed to, but I did like Lockhart's writing style.
ReplyDeleteBuzz can work either way for me. For whatever reason, I might be more or less likely to read a buzzed book. And buzz can definitely affect my feelings as I read, for better or worse.