Genre: MG contemporary
Rating: ★ ★ ★
We read this one for book club way back in June I think, so I'm not sure I can even remember my thoughts!
But basically, it's about a 4th grader student who loves to read and gets bugged when her favorite book series is banned from the library because some mom deems it inappropriate. Sort of accidentally, she starts to loan out this series, and then she finds out what else is on the banned list and with the help of her friends, she acquires more and more books from that list, and loans them out.
Soon she is running a pretty popular library from her locker.
And then she gets found out and gets in trouble and has to defend herself at the community meeting. Which, being a girl who doesn't speak up much, is quite the growing experience.
I enjoyed the book, but as is usual with these sorts of things, I get annoyed at the obvious agenda pushing. But, you know, that was the point of this book basically, to get kids aware of the issue and interested in reading a list of "banned" books ie books they think of has "bad" in some way and thus more appealing to read.
I also had an issue with the fact that the things this girl did I could not picture a fourth grader doing. She seemed so much older so that was distracting to me.
But it was all in all a cute story and very fun for any reader to embrace.
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