--- I've decided...again... that giveaways just aren't my thing. I don't do many of them here on this blog, but I have done quite a few these past few months. And they just don't seem to go over well. I guess I don't get excited about them enough, and then my readers don't seem to get excited about them. I just plain don't get it. I'm baffled by other blogs who base their whole thing around giveaways! And I'm always scratching my head at those that enter and enter and enter! I guess if I rarely enter, I shouldn't expect too many readers here to enter either, yes? Anyway, yeah. Giveaways. They are a strange creature to me! But even so, I'll still do them now and then.
(Oh, I know! I'll have a giveaway when I reach 1000? Ha ha! Now THAT should motivate people! )
-- Speaking of Twitter... ho boy, it was scary there this past week. Looks like there's not just a few of you getting excited about politics and presidents!! I guess I can quietly say that I'm MASSIVELY in the minority when it comes to the things my Twitter friends think politically speaking. I hid out in the corner all week while you all spoke your minds! I'm hoping it's safe to come out now, especially now that you are all so happy and joyful!
-- So I've been taking this class on writing your personal history, or life story, or whatever you want to call it. I've had much interest in this in the past and thought I could re-kindle the flame. I thought perhaps sharing stories here would be fun and sort of motivating, and in my Bloggiesta reader poll when I asked what you thought, you all (almost) said, go for it. But when I went to share the first story last week, I chickened out big time. Yeah, not sure about that whole idea now. I'll keep pondering on it.

-- So, I keep joining stuff. I figure, why not, you know? Life is only so long. Might as well DO STUFF! I'm exchanging ornaments thanks to Penelope, and I'm about to send my info to the Broke and Bookish people for this blogger gift exchange. And I'm really hoping to hear about the other blogger gift exchange that I've done all these many years, and the holiday advent thing, and the card exchange I did last year. How many do you think I can do? Oh, as mentioned the other day I'm doing the book blogging buddy thing, and then just Tuesday suddenly Lisa and Trish are talking a quilt along! So I figure.... you know... WHY NOT? What else should I be joining? Because I certainly don't want to be left out of any one thing!
-- I think perhaps I should stop for now! Anything been bugging you lately? Share in comments!
OH WAIT! A song!!! For getting all the frustrations out! Wow, this would work for that I'm thinking:
Happy weekend! Read lots of books!
I am not one for giveaways either. I think I have hosted two or three on my blog in the year and a half that I've been blogging. ARC stump me too. And I think you shold share some stories...I always like learning about bloggers outside of there blog. :-)
ReplyDeleteJayla: I'll probably continue to host the random few, depending on what's going on or if I end up with a cool book I want to give away.
DeleteGiveaways aren't my thing, either.
ReplyDeleteTwitter isn't really my thing, either. I really don't think about using it often enough. I recently joined the Google Plus thing, but it's confusing to me.
I'm not a big joiner, so I think I'm just self-doomed to stay forever on the fringes of the book blogging world.
Megan: Ah, I don't get Google Plus AT ALL! Hmmm... let me know if you figure that one out!
DeleteI felt the same way about the past week and staying away from twitter...
ReplyDeleteMegs: Yeah, it wasn't an interesting place this past week...
DeleteI've done a few giveaways and I'll probably do them once in a while. Not too often though, they aren't my thing.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on all of your tweets :) I'm fairly new to the game over there. I dig it, now that I sorta know what I'm doing! (#jenhartling)
I wish I could attend BEA, I can't even imagine how much fun that would be! Alas, I'm a million miles away. Do you use Net Galley? Edelweiss?
Joining in things..oh it's a problem for me as well, lol. I keep telling myself to STOP but I can't seem to. Just when I think I'm done someone will host something AWESOME. I'm doing the Secret Santa at The Broke and the Bookish as well. It's a good thing that I don't quilt or I'd have another event calling my name ;)
Thanks for the rambly post, I like these!
Whoops, forgot to ask about the class you are taking! Is it online?
DeleteJennifer: Yeah, I'll do them once in awhile.
DeleteAfter four years, I'm still figure out Twitter!
Yes, I do use NetGalley, but not Edelweiss.
And the class was (it's over now) a physical class at the library. Now, they tell me there's a writing group I can join! And just go hang out at the library and write with them for two hours. Pondering....
I actually love doing giveaways. They are usually my most popular posts, too (go figure).
ReplyDeleteAs for ARCs, the secret is to make contacts in the publishing world, either in person or via the web. That way, when you see a new book you want to read, you already have an "in." That being said, publishers aren't sending as many ARCs out as they used to, so you still might not be able to get the titles you want, but it doesn't hurt to try ...
Susan: See? How does that work? Strange business those giveaways!
DeleteWell, I hope to some day have a little in with publishers. I would love to be able to get the ARCS for certain books for certain authors that I really really want to support. It's a frustrating game.
I've done 3 or 4 giveaways in all of the time I've been blogging. They aren't really my thing either. I never ask people to follow my blog or twitter account to enter the giveaway. That seems like such a strange way to get followers. I'd much rather have people follow because they like my site and then give away the occasional book to people who already follow.
ReplyDeleteMelissa: I had just done one or two a year, and then suddenly like four these past months. So that's been strange, but still, I get like 15 at the most entering, and I don't ask for the jumping through hoops either, I thought it was easy. So... yep, I don't get it. But it's okay, I'm just baffled a little.
DeleteI really like posts like this. :) A class on writing a personal history sounds really cool! I would definitely read your posts on that.
ReplyDeleteI've seen people on twitter asking around for who to contact at different publishing companies. Maybe that would work. I've only gotten ARC's through Net Galley or blog tours, so I'm not sure how it works going directly through the publisher.
Kathy: I guess I should be brave and try at least one or two posts and see what happens, eh?
DeleteHey, I DID twitter my frustration that day and they DID send me an email! So that's something!
I love to enter giveaways and I like to host them every now and then, but I don't want followers who just want free stuff. I want followers who are genuinely interested in what I have to say. So, yeah, I only do them once in a while.
ReplyDeleteI love to join things too, but I've had to be careful lately. I just don't have the time to do everything. Or, I don't want to make certain things priorities, I guess. Good luck with all your fun stuff!
Jenni: EXACTLY! Regarding giveaways. And the following thing.
DeleteHexes! I'm so glad you're joining us.
ReplyDeleteLisa: Wow, that's going to be one heck of a project! Wish me luck. :)
DeleteI've tried to do the whole giveaway thing a little more this year and have been kind of disappointed. Lots of work trying to get the word out and not really all that many entries. I want to give away books, not twist peoples' arms until they finally begrudgingly take a book from me. Maybe I'm not doing it right... LOL
ReplyDeleteYou should come to BEA to meet *me,* not that I can do much to get you the ARCs you crave, but I'd sure like to meetya! ;-)
Megan: Maybe one of these years I'll manage BEA. I would love to meet you too, that's for sure!
DeleteGiveaways are kind of a pain. I do it just to get the books I have to a good home but I'm thinking about quitting them too because I don't get a great response and they are more trouble than they are worth. The library can always have them right?
ReplyDeleteJenners: It's been interesting to see how many other people have stress with them. But yeah! The library works!
DeleteI laughed when reading about political twitter. I honestly avoided it because, like you, I don't agree with the vast majority of loud tweeters on politics. I got rather tired of reading about all their yapping :)
ReplyDeleteOk, so I know I'm really late commenting but I just couldn't pass up on this post because there are SO MANY THINGS!
ReplyDeleteYes re politics. Urg. I'm SO glad the election is over and we can all just move on. Except it still feels like some folks at either extreme still aren't moving on.
Yes for giveaways. I always know someone holds a lot of giveaways or enters a lot of giveaways when I pop over to their site and see 1,000 followers. Is that mean to say? Mostly I don't hold them often because I get frustrated with people not following the simple directions. :)
And yes for ARCs. Which is funny because we're old folks! I mean...we remember the FarWorld ARC tour a million trillion years ago. I don't know how some ladies do it but after observing on twitter I think they just walk and talk the walk. Maybe act big and then be big?
Yay hexes!! I'm a total joiner (or solicitor of joinees) but think it's more fun that way. Don't forget about Pin it Do it! ;)
And finally--I know this isn't on this post but in an effort to save time I'm leaving the comment here. I found your e-reader post so interesting! I've had a Kindle for about the same time as you've had your e-reader but I forget about mine and never use it! It's so sad. Even last weekend I drove all over town in search of a book and after I finally found it I thought "wow...I could have just downloaded this." Head desk.
Ok, thanks for letting me ramble Suey. ;) I hope you and your family have a really fantastic Thanksgiving.
whats a give away?