Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Sunday Salon: May's Monthly Recap

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Weekly Geeks 2009.20: Guilty Pleasures

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Review: Fablehaven:Rise of the Evening Star by Brandon Mull
Book: Fablehaven: The Rise of the Evening Star by Brandon Mull
Genre: YA/MG Fantasy
Rating: A-
For: Fun
This is the continuation of the story about Kendra and Seth and their adventures at their grandparents place, which just happens to be on a magical creatures preserve called Fablehaven. Some new and interesting characters are introduced, and right off the bat we get a feeling that one of them is hiding something.
My only problem with this book was that for me, it had a slow start. Granted, there was that sneaking around a mortuary business, and that strange dude that showed up at school. But then, it seemed like half the book was gone before anything really happened.
Then it made up for lost time and there was non-stop action and some majorly intense moments for both the kids. Some of the adventure reminded me of Indiana Jones type excitement, including lots of brain action/puzzle solving.
So, I'm quite sure I'll keep going with the series. Everyone says they just get better and better. I tend to believe them!
Other Reviews:
Becky's Book Reviews
Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-aholic
Booking Through Thursday: Unread

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Weekend Movie Thoughts
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Review: My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison
Monday, May 25, 2009
Weekly Geeks 2009.19: Summertime

Again with Memorial Day Weekend here in the U.S. starting traditionally on Friday evening, it also is unofficially the start of summer. You've probably been asked this in other meme groups in which you participate, but do your reading habits change over the summer?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Sunday Salon: Just Checkin' In

Thursday, May 21, 2009
A New American Idol
It's all just plain fun.
So last night, it's amazing how it all turned out! Wow, wow, wow! I think many of you assumed I was a total Adam fan, and yes, I thought he was great. BUT, I've been voting for Kris from nearly the beginning. So I am thrilled he won. Ideally, I wish it could have been a tie. But, I just think it's so cool that Kris came out ahead in the end over the guy whose singing seemed to be blowing everyone away.
Booking Through Thursday: A Second First Time (and a Top Ten list)

The Top Ten Books I'd Love to Read Again for the First Time
What would YOU love to read again for the first time?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Series Suggestions Needed
This summer, we've decided we'd like to pick a series to read. Of course, it can't be too long, or too hard. Something we can handle reading in three month's time and something that doesn't make us feel too bogged down.
I told everyone I'd come up with a list of suggestions. The problem is, I've been too occupied with other life matters, and haven't had time to figure out a fun and varied list.
So I'm asking you, what fun, easy, light series would you suggest for us to read this summer?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Weekly Geeks 2009.18: A Tour

Oh, I almost forgot! Orson Scott Card grew up just down the street! I have friends that knew him back then and they said his was a strange and unique family. Surprise surprise.
I'm sure there's a ton I forgot. But I'll never get this posted if I don't just hit the button now. I hope you enjoyed my little local author tour.
Have you read books by any of these authors? Which was your favorite?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pictures That Make Me Smile
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Booking Through Thursday: Gluttony

Book Gluttony! Are your eyes bigger than your book belly? Do you have a habit of buying up books far quicker than you could possibly read them? Have you had to curb your book buying habits until you can catch up with yourself? Or are you a controlled buyer, only purchasing books when you have run out of things to read?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Bookword Game: Results and a New Word

After a week's worth of voting, the results are in and our new Bookword has been chosen!
A book that we read as a result of seeing a movie we will now call: A Flick Pick! Congratulations to That's The Book! for gathering 57% of the votes with that winning suggestion.
This week, let's come up with a word to describe books you read because you think you should, in order to be well-read.
Sometimes those lists floating around make us add these types of books to our TBR pile. Perhaps we don't really WANT to read them, but we think we need do so we can feel like we are broadening our horizons and becoming that esteemed "well-read" person!
What do we call a book like that?
Comment here with your suggestions and next week we'll vote on them over at An Adventure in Reading.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Review: Blue Noon by Scott Westerfeld
Monday, May 11, 2009
Weekly Geeks 2000.17: Mark It Down

- those my kids have made
- those that I have made
- souvenir bookmarks
- random paper things that have turned into bookmarks
- bookmarks collected at the Book Fair that I run every year
- bookmarks I've had for years, from way way back!
- Kleenexes
- library receipts
- magazine subscription paper thingies
That's all I can come up with at the moment. BORING! But a librarian friend once told me that the funniest/weirdest bookmark she found in a returned library book was a pantie liner. Hmmmm. Nice.
My favorite bookmarks lately have simply been ones I made on the computer, just for fun, with a clever bookish quote and matching picture, then laminated. I love them.

I also really love the ones I gathered while on our England trip a few years ago. I would love to make it a habit of gathering more bookmarks of the places we visit, but I forget once I'm out and about. Oh, well.

Another idea I had for a bookmark is to take ticket stubs from concerts that I want to remember forever, laminate them, and use them for bookmarks. What do you think?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I'm Still Here... (sort of)
- enjoying a dance recital (and rehearsal all morning)
- visiting grandparents who live three hours away
- going to first one barbecue, then another
- getting family pictures taken
- planting some tomatoes
- juggling our June schedule to try to fit in a cruise! (swine flu=rerouting=low fares=not-to-be-missed opportunity!)
- not sleeping and therefore being too tired to read, or think what to write
- buying American Idol tickets!!!
- scanning pictures
- figuring out Mother's Day
- working, cleaning, driving, washing, buying, making, stressing......
Hopefully I'll be back to my regularly scheduled blogging and reading soon.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Booking Through Thursday: Graphic

Last Saturday (May 2nd) is Free Comic Book Day! In celebration of comics and graphic novels, some suggestions:
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Review: Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K.Rowling
The Bookword Game: Vote!

A Screenplay with Detail Book: submitted by Tonya
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Eight Is Enough Meme
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Parts of the summer
2. Moving the drum set out of my craft room.
3. Buying more book shelves
4. American Idol Top Ten concert (hopefully, if we can get tickets)
5. More cruises in my future
6. Going camping in the trailer
7. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins in September
8. a new Josh Groban cd, sometime this year, I hope
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Went to work.
2. Washed clothes.
3. Made crepes for dinner, with lots of strawberries.
4. Read and finished a book! (even if it was only Tales of Beedle the Bard)
5. Wrote this blog post, but never posted it, so now I have to change all the things on this part of the list since yesterday is now Monday, and not Sunday.
6. Tried to have a nap... didn't work.
7. Tried to figure out the menu for a family gathering I'm hosting in a couple of weeks.
8. Scanned tons pictures for my brother's wedding video project
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Sing
2. Lose weight
3. Keep the house clean
4. Sleep for a whole day
5. Travel more
6. Write a book
7. Banish stress and worry.
8. Make everyone happy.
8 TV Programs I Watch:
1. American Idol
2. Amazing Race
3. Survivor
4. Heroes
5. Chuck
6. Lost
7. Friday Night Lights
8. Jon and Kate Plus Eight
Now, you too can either play along, or save it up for a dead blog day! Either way, let me know and I'll be sure to visit.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Sunday Salon: Slumping Around

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Weekly Geeks 2009.16: Review Formats

Friday, May 1, 2009
April Monthly Recap
So, what did I read in April? Here's the list:
The Dead and the Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer: How one New York family copes during the asteroid/moon disaster that causes havoc throughout the world.
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta: Stories from past and present blend together at this Australian boarding school, revealing some long hidden secrets.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne: Nine year old Bruno is confused about his family's recent move to a strange place where many people in striped pajamas live on the other side of the fence.
Agnes Grey by Ann Bronte: Agnes goes to be a governess for a couple of different families and even though she doesn't enjoy it all that much, she does have one person to look forward to seeing every Sunday!
The Monster in Me by Mette Ivie Harrison: Natalie arrives at yet another foster home and wonders if this time, things will be any different.
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood: Iris looks back on her life during the Depression, the downfall of her father's business, her marriage, her sister's problems, and many secrets.
Favorites of the month: Jellicoe Road for sure, with The Blind Assassin and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas a close second/third.
I should have been able to read more this month. I wasted a lot of reading time, replacing it with daydreaming and worrying. I've perfected the art of worrying this past month! And this coming month, I can guarantee you, my brain will have even less capacity for concentrating on reading. So, I'm not too optimistic that my list a month from now, will be very impressive. But once June hits, I'm going to be knocking books off my list right and left! :)
So, how'd you do this month reading-wise?