Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Sunday Post: Happy Christmastime!


 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer.

Oh my word I am so behind with blogging posts! And now Sunday is almost over, but here I am writing a quick little post! AHH! Life is so crazy.


Breaking out the the huge Christmas playlist that includes all my favorite things. My favorite (roughly speaking) is this one from last year by Stray Kids. It's so funny and so great and just try not to sing and dance along!

Watching: We have joined the rest of the world in watching Wednesday on Netflix. It's very fun, isn't it? I think it's funny that it came out at Christmastime instead of Halloween. Whatever! But yeah. We have one more episode and then... what will we watch next???

Looking forward to the season finale of Amazing Race this week. Rooting for two different teams so I have no idea who I'll be cheering for in those final moments!

Reading: Ah I'm so behind on writing up reviews! I've finished a couple more books. Since the last Sunday post I did, I finished Not Going There, The Fox Inheritance and Atomic Habits. I have "one minute reviews" posted on the booktube channel if interested!

Writing: Zero writing as been done. Ugh.

Blogging: Zero blogging has been done. Dang.

YouTubing: Lots of Youtubing has been done though!

Over on the Booktube channel  there's much happening, but one video you may be interested in is when I compare my reading to what Rory read in The Gilmore Girls. Dang that girl read some crazy stuff!

On the Kpop channel I just finished editing this fast-paced intense thing that shows off some cool images and moment from MVs this past year. You should totally watch and make me happy!

Health Watch: Well, my husband got covid for Thanksgiving, so we cancelled all our plans. Then a few days later, sure enough, I got it too, so we cancelled all our plans the week after Thansgiving too. That means we missed our outing to see Moulin Rouge at the theater... and kpop movie that I was so excited to support. Sigh. Whatever. Anyway, that was our first bout of covid, so we finally got that over with. My husband has felt pretty crappy, but I only had couple of days were I needed ibuprofen, and have since been fine. Really hoping I can go back to work tomorrow but I haven't tested yet today to see what the verdict is. We have gone through about 12 tests just this past week between the three of us. My daughter didn't get it this time, probably because she had her turn in July and didn't feel the need to join us this time. LOL! 


* We finally got our tree up today. So now it truly feels like Christmas around here. I have no idea how I'm going to get all the gift buying done though. 

Here's hoping life can resume this week and we get through all the events planned for this month! 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, Christmas EveL is such a fun song! I just finished my Wednesday watch and really loved the show. Wishing you happy holidays!



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