Book: The Great Gilly Hopkins by Katherine Paterson
Genre: Junior Fiction
Rating: B+
For one of my F2F groups, the hostess decided to have us discuss the author Katherine Paterson, so she gave us a list of most of books, which is a lot! I picked this one to read, about Gilly Hopkins, who is bounced from foster home to foster home and all she wants is her mom to decide to come get here. She learns that things to always work out as you plan them. It's quite a sad tale, but one that is very true to life.

Book: Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: A-
I had to read this to get my Robin McKinley fix for the year! I love her! This is another retelling of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, similiar to her other book, Beauty. Many things are the same, yet many are differnt. Roses play a very big part in this book and the ending is... surprising.

Genre: General fiction
Rating: A
While at book club this past week, the next hostess passed out book club sets of this, our next book. I've always wanted to read it, but was a little worried about the subject matter. However, I sat down and read the whole thing this weekend. Wow. Scary stuff. The story takes place in our society of the future when the government has been overthrown and taken over by crazies. Women who are deemed fertile become handmaids to the powerful men who are in need of having kids. For some reason, kids are hard to come by these days. I couldn't put it down and am glad to have finally read it after hearing about it for so many years!