Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bloggiesta Participants: Sign Up Here!

It's time! Do you plan to fiesta with us the weekend  of March 30, 31 and April 1? Do you have things you'd like to do on your blog that you haven't managed to get to in forever? Do you want to do those things with lots of other bloggers from all over? Talk things over with them? Bounce ideas off them? Learn from them? Teach them too?

If so, you will not want to miss the latest installment of Bloggiesta! A blogathon created nearly three years ago by Natasha of Maw Books so we could do those very things listed above!

To participate, please sign the Mr. Linky below with a link to your blog, specifically to a post stating your intention to join us on this weekend. We'd love for you to help us spread the news so we can be sure to find all those who'd like to join the fun.

Remember, the level of commitment is up to you. We'd love for you to find lots of time to devote to blogging with us during those three days, but if you have just one day that you can join us, or even just a few hours of one day, please do not hesitate to sign up.

If you decide to participate, here's what you can expect:
  • to spend time that weekend (as much or as little as your schedule allows) working on your blog
  • to create a to do list to share on your blog and link up with other participants
  • to hopefully participant in several mini challenges and learn something new
  • to connect with other participants through blog hopping or twitter
  • to make new blogging friends!
  • to come away at the end of the three days with a spiffed up blog!
If all that sounds like something you'd like to do, please write a post letting us know and link up! OLE!

We are still taking sign ups for mini challenge hosts here. Also, if you hosted a challenge in a past Bloggiesta, come and sign up to let us know if you'd like it to be listed and included in this Bloggiesta. Thanks! Update: We've now closed sign ups for challenge hosts. We have an awesome line up! I can't wait!

Here's some music to get you in the fiesta-ing mood while you are writing up your post:


  1. Looking forward to it!

  2. I have so much to learn, I use a lot of features but none well enough to instruct. I definitely need to follow along and absorb as much as I can.

  3. YESSS!!! IM SO IN! I was already looking for the Bloggiesta and was sad that I couldn't find it. And then suddenly it popped up on twitter! Wiiiii!!! So excited! *jumping up and down*

    This was so much fun last year!

    1. WAHOO! I'm jumping up and down right along with you!

  4. I've been looking forward to this since the last one!

    1. OK. One thing to master... commenting on Blogger blogs with my WordPress ID!

    2. LOL! :) Can't help you there. Unless, do I need to fix a setting to make it easier here?

  5. Thanks so much for hosting this! :) I've missed it for so long. :)

  6. I have signed-up! YAY! And for the mini-challenge as well!

  7. Thanks for hosting this year. I can't wait to participate in my second Bloggiesta. I got so much done last year and hope to again this year..

    1. It's amazing how much we can do when we just sit and focus on it. I love it.

  8. I'm really looking forward to this. I want to learn a bunch of the things the mini-challenges will be about. :)

    1. We'll be finalizing the mini challenges this weekend hopefully. Stay tuned!

  9. Will do a little write up in my Sunday Salon post and then come and link up. I've never participated before but my blog is in DIRE need of updating. Just hope I can have a few baby-free moments to work!

    1. Never participated before? I'm shocked! You will love it! :)

  10. First time particpating! Looking forward to it!

  11. I don't read directions very well. I signed up, but didn't post anything about it until just now. So, my link doesn't link directly to the post. *oops*

  12. This looks so cool, I can't wait :)

  13. I can not wait for this to happen. This sounds like it will be so much fun. I hope I am off the weekend this happens. Thanks for having this.

  14. I normally would have loved to participate in this, but I'm going to the Colorado Teen Literature Conference that weekend!:)

  15. I am SUPER PSYCHED about this! Yay!

  16. Ok so i just posted my name not my name of my blog oops :/ hehe

  17. This is my first time participating. I hope someone plays a bolero! Olé!

  18. Thank you so much for hosting this...I participated in the past when Natasha did it and was bummed when she stopped. I always get so much done during these things and love seeing what everyone else is doing. I just posted a "Bloggiesta is back" post, which links back to here. Will you also be having a starting line post where we put down our to-do list?

    1. Kristin, Yes, there will be a starting line link up for to do lists! So start planning yours! :)

  19. A friend has been talking up Bloggiesta so much that she got me excited about it to. Just started a new blog so I am looking forward to learning from more experienced bloggers!

    1. Yikes, gave the wrong link to my blog. Here's the correct one:

  20. I am definitely looking forward to this! Thanks!!!

  21. I'm looking forward to this! Thanks for hosting!

  22. My 1st year participating. I am kinda stoked for this too.
    I cant wait to meet new bloggers & check out everyone's To Do lists, etc.
    Free Nachos & Margaritas at Books and Beyond!

  23. I'm really excited!! This is my first Bloggiesta!!

  24. Thank you for doing this! I need a good excuse to work on my blog technical issues!

  25. So excited to spend some serious time working on some blog things I've been meaning to get done!

  26. Looking forward to joining in!

  27. This is such a great idea -- thanks!

  28. I'm excited to be doing this. I have a lot to learn. :)

  29. OOPS! I got so excited I linked up before writing my "I'm in!" post, so it just goes to my homepage *sigh*. Blogging tip #1: Try not to blog on less than four hours sleep if you can help it ;)

  30. I'll be at a conference that weekend but I hope to pop in or at least look at everyone's posts when I get back.

  31. Oh for goodness sake! I put MY name instead of my blogs. Can you fix it? See, I have SO MUCH to learn!! #107 - Jeannette. Should be Walking on Bookshelves. Thanks and sorry for the trouble

  32. This is my first Bloggiesta, I have so much to do!

  33. I have a hockey tournament that weekend but will pop in and do what I can, cause I so need to get some blog items done.

  34. So happy you are bringing this back!

  35. I am so excited. I have been wanting to ask so many of you for help in designing my blog. I started it with no clue what I was doing, and it is in need of tuning! Can't wait!
    laura thomas

    1. SAME here!! I'm really looking forward to learning things in this Challenge!!
      I've been in other Challenges where they Challenge you to do something NEW, but you have to learn it on your own, or find a way to do what they want you to do. You might get a hint at where to go, but even that does NOT help. I feel 'lost'!! This Challenge doesn't seem like it will be like that - YEAH!!! They have people who are going to really 'teach' us!!
      If I'm wrong, someone please correct me!
      Laurie Carlson

  36. Finally making a firm commitment to do this. I may have to figure out the mobile blogging thing in order to be present for the whole weekend, but that will only boost my skills, right?

  37. I'm looking forward to meeting new people during the challenge and getting some loose strings tied up on the new blog( Whew! what a relief that will be.

  38. I just signed up - it's going to be my first Bloggiesta and I can't wait!! :)

  39. Not signing up yet because I haven't done a post on it, but am definitely interested in tackling this challenge again. So much fun! Thanks for hosting.

  40. Hmmm? I signed up once, but now I don't see my name in the list?
    Well, I signed up again! NOW I see my name showing in the list!
    My initial post is here:
    REALLY looking forward to doing this!!!
    Thank you BOTH SO much for hosting this WONDERFUL Challenge! I'm a sucker for Challenges! This one sounds like SO much FUN!
    I LOVE the video with the music!
    Can't wait to meet some NEW FRIENDS!!!
    Thanks SO much!
    Laurie Carlson
    Laurie Here - Contemporary Fiction and MORE - Book Reviews

  41. Can't wait to participate! So glad I found you guys!

  42. Hi Suey, thanks for hosting. I'm hoping I will be able to join in for at least a day or two.

    Just wanted to give you a pointer about your linky (because I used the same one all the time). You can make it less columns so it doesn't stick out in your sidebar when you get a lot of sign ups. go to, log in, and click on Widgets. Find the link for your linky in the list and click it. Look for a list at the top and you'll see "column display". You can choose 1, 2, or 3 column and it will change your linky accordingly. I use the one column because it gives you a nice neat list. Hope you don't mind me giving this pointer. =O)

  43. I came across this link on a other blog and I thought: Why not! Sounds great, I'm looking forward to it :D

  44. I have way too much stuff to do on my blog that I keep putting off.. hopefully this will inspire/motivate me to get some things knocked off that list.. :D

    April @<a href="http://www.myshelfconfessions</a>

  45. Thanks for putting this together, Suey! Hoping this will help me get to work on my long list of to-dos! :)

  46. I waffled for so long about officially signing up but finally took the plunge and made my to do list! I'm looking forward to the festivities now. :D

  47. I've just signed up - looking forward to it. Thanks for hosting!


  48. I just signed up! Can't wait to actually get some updating accomplished ... it's a good weekend for it, too! :)

  49. I'm a first time participant, so I hope I can figure out what this is all about.

  50. Awesome! Definitely joining :)

  51. This is my first time joining, and I'm very much looking forward to it (:

    Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews

  52. I'm late jumping on board, but have just signed up. It sounds like fun.

  53. Looking forward to it!

  54. What great timing! I'll start the AtoZBlog Challenge on April 1 ( so I really DO need to get lots of prep done this weekend.

  55. Fun! I'm looking forward to spending a couple hours figuring out what more to do with my blog, and I look forward to finding out what the mini-challenges are going to be!

  56. Thanks for hosting and organizing this. I'm really looking forward to it!

  57. I've signed up, but I messed up with adding to the linky. Apparently it's super complicated :| That or I'm a moron.

    Anyway, I copied the URL wrong in number 175, so it doesn't work. 176 is the correct one.

    I'm sorry to be such a pain!

  58. As a new blogger, I hope to learn some exciting tricks! Thanks for hosting!

  59. This will be my first bloggiesta. I hope I can learn a lot from you guys :)

  60. This is my first time participating, and I am a day and a half ahead of you all, so I hope I don't mess it all up. But I am excited to work on my blog and meet other like-minded bloggers!

  61. Hey there! This is my first time doing this and I am soooooo excited about it. I have two blogs so should a separate sign up and linky for them or can I do it on one? Thanks! Looking forward to this!

    1. I think just the one would be fine.

    2. Thanks!!! I am really looking forward to my first Bloggiesta!

  62. I was going to skip on the Bloggiesta this time around but I decided I just couldn't skip on Pedro! so I'm doing a Lite version this year

  63. I am so ready for this! I really need this to force me to focus. ;)

  64. I'm glad I was able to sign up in time--my blog is in need of some TLC!

  65. Thanks for hosting this. I missed it last year as I never saw any announcement for it. Now it is happening on one of the busiest weekends of my year so far but I'm still going to participate when I can fit it in.

  66. Okay I need a new wave of input and support to keep perfecting my new blog skills!

  67. This is my first Bloggiesta! I'm so excited! I really need to get some blog stuff done.


  68. This should be interesting and hopefully a good learning exprience!~

  69. Hi, I am planning to participate this weekend, but don't have time to put up a post declaring it so. So I just signed up with my main page. I'm excited to participate. Thanks for hosting!

  70. Now I have no excuses on why my blog doesn't look the way I want it to. Thanks for hosting, can't wait for the mini challenges
    Be Blessed

  71. My first time participating in Bloggiesta! Very excited! :)

  72. I attended a Story@home conference several weeks ago where there were several blogging panels. I am in the process of typing up the notes.
    Here is a link to my first typed up notes.
    More will follow and will be available It will most likely be listed under the blog category Rock Soup or Goulash.
    I look forward to learning stuff here. Thanks to Suey for the panel she presented at on Wednesday at the library so I can have the opportunity to learn more about blogging.

  73. I managed to start a series about my favourite books to read aloud!

  74. My first Bloggiesta, too!! I really need to learn how to make labels or buttons to put underneath my blog title. So followers can click to certain pages- If anyone would be kind to explain how to do that, it would me much appreciated!! Brianne @

  75. My very first Bloggiesta! I'm just going to be working on an overall tidy-up since my blog still looks more or less the same as the day that I started it. Planning to devote a few hours to this task tomorrow, but today I MUST finish my assignment for school in order to have tomorrow free. It's the perfect motivation tool!



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