So here I am, trying out Windows Live Writer as was suggested by Jacinda of The Reading Housewives in her awesome mini challenge post. She has some very convincing arguments for using this program. But I’m not going to commit yet! I will need to play with it and use it for awhile to be totally convinced! So, let’s so how it works for me as I give you a Bloggiesta update!
So here’s what’s been going on with me so far:
- I’ve updated much of my review archives,
but am not quite done yet.Wait! I AM done after all! - I’ve figured out code for social media icons (thanks to Jenni Elyse,) but haven’t been able to put them on my blog because something is wrong and it won’t let me! I can’t add a gadget.
- I’ve led a Bloggiesta chat!
- I’ve commented on lots of starting post blogs.
- I’ve hung out on Twitter more than ever before in my life I think.
- I updated my blog roll
- I’ve added some stars to a review, and learned how to add html for star ratings.
- I’ve been updating Pages… but I deleted a whole bunch of work there and have to start over. :(
- I’ve tried out dlvr.it to see if I can get blog posts automatically sent to Twitter.
With Live Writer | I can make a table! |
Something I’ve wanted… | …. to do many times! |
Really love Colton… anyone else?
What can I do with pictures? Let’s find out…..
Well, that was fun. Hmmm…. I think I’ll give this thing a go! But there’s lots to figure out still! Ah my spinning head!!