Last evening it was another gathering of Utah book bloggers. We brought our families with us this time and had a picnic in the park with the 100 degree sun glaring down on us. Also, this time, several authors joined us.
It was an interesting start to the whole event, for my family anyway, because when we arrived at the park and came to a road closure thanks to a city event also happening there, we were told by the little dude to drive several blocks up and around and come to the park a completely different way. So we did.
Then, we came to the road closure on the other side, where the city deal was going on, at which point I got out and proceeded to look for my blogger buddies, not knowing at all what any of them looked like except one or two from the last party!
THAT didn't work, so we followed a car that ignored the road block, and drove through BACK to the side we'd arrived at in the beginning. Finally, my husband said, "There's a group over there, maybe that's them?" So we checked it out and sure enough, we saw the familiar face of Natasha!
I was starting to be so sad about not finding everyone, but now all was well, even if I was by then completely melting in the extreme heat.
So after getting settled, and getting some food and finding our spot in the shade, I could figure out who ended up coming to our gathering.

and of course or fearless leader, Natasha from Maw Books Blog
(and please, don't let me have forgotten anyone!!!)

Taking a picture of Natasha taking pictures, with Emily to the left, Becky behind her, with Britt in the right corner, and Melissa in the left corner.
Then suddenly, the authors descended upon us! A couple I know well, and have read their books. Several were new-to-me and I look forward to discovering their books.
James Dashner with The Maze Runner coming out in October
J. Scott Savage with Farworld: Land Keep coming out in October
Leeann Whiffen with A Child's Journey out of Autism... out now.
Emily Wing Smith with The Way He Lived... out now
Bree Despain with The Dark Divine coming out in December
Brodi Ashton with Echo coming out... soon.

Back: J. Scott and James
Front: Brodi, Emily, Bree, Leann
I loved hearing the authors kid and tease each other, and discuss the industry and how they came to be published. I loved talking blogs and books with other bloggers, but wish we could have talked even more. I feel like I didn't get to connect with the group over there on "the other side." You know how that goes, you get your spot, and then don't move from it. I have a tendency to do that big time. (Below you can see me sitting in my chair, sticking to my spot, enjoying the author banter.)

Anyway, the most exciting moment came when J. Scott Savage, who brought the "uncorrected proof" of his next book to show and tell, decided to sign it and give it to my 14 year old son. The son who I had to literally drag to this gathering, yet the son who also said about J.Scott's first book Waterkeep "it's better than Harry Potter."
My son also loves James Dashner's books, so at the end, I forced them all into a picture:

Seriously, thanks guys. You have no idea how much my son needed this boost. Thank you so much!
And thanks to Natasha for making it happen yet again! I look forward to next time!
Yay! It was so much fun and our (I call them "ours" as if we own them!) authors were a blast to have with us. Next time I'll make sure that the city doesn't have a big party of their own! I hope your son enjoys the book. That's awesome of Scott to give it to him.
ReplyDeleteHow fun. I'm so glad I got to meet you. Oh, I'm also secretly happy that I was hidden by Natasha. :) I can't wait to see what your son says about book two!
ReplyDeleteSo fun! Next time you guys need to give me a heads up so I can fly in. Right--I wish, right? Although I'm trying to fit in a fall vacation to SLC...
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful gettogether! I wish there were more book bloggers in my area. Texas is just too big!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a wonderful event - and what a special treat for your son! Makes me want to move to Utah :)
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog and liked what i saw so added you to my google reader.
ReplyDeleteI loved that you were able to meet fellow bloggers. thanks for sharing the pictures too.
That looks so fun! I think it's a great idea to have these meet-ups. And I love the pictures afterwards!
ReplyDeleteIt was so great to meet you and the other bloggers. Loved the recap! I might have to steal that pic of the authors you took- because everyone else looks so normal and I look sorta like a doofus.
ReplyDeleteHope to meet up again soon!
Now I'm feeling very sorry that I didn't get to attend. My niece and her big family were visiting from Virginia. Looks like you all had such a good time.
ReplyDeleteYea! You posted pictures! I of course stupidly left my camera home!!
ReplyDeleteNatasha: It was awesome... all of it. My son is anxious to read the book, but we have that annoying thing called school to deal with now, which usually means no "for fun" reading... but maybe we'll figure out how to fit it in.
ReplyDeleteBecky: Silly you... hidden by Natasha. We should have all posed for a group blogger shot...oh, well.
Trish: Seriously, next time, we need to plan it around your visit to SL!
Amanda: Maybe there's some in your general area?
Molly: Yes! Move to Utah! :)
Diane: Glad you found me. I'll add you to my reader too... and hopefully you'll not get too lost there. It's bit of a scary place!
Rhapsody: Glad you enjoyed the post!
Brodi: Thanks for finding me here! And you don't look doofusy at all! (And just so you know, my son hasn't forgotten that it's YOUR book that's about aliens... he said, "I want to read that one!")
Booklogged: Oh, I hope you can come next time. Really.
Britt: Well, such as they are. They aren't too great really. Natasha will have some great ones to post I'm sure. Dang, I wish we could have talked more!! I was being my stupid shy self.
ReplyDeleteVery cool...I'd love to have been there!
ReplyDeleteThe social was so fun! I'm so glad I got to meet you. I'm a terrible mingler, so I'm happy I sat near you so we could chat.
ReplyDeleteWow, that looks like so much fun! You guys are really lucky to be able to get together like that. Plus all the author's there, so exciting.
ReplyDeleteYikes, I'm gushing I'm so envious :)
Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)
Ah, well, that's that way it goes right, Suey?
ReplyDeleteI talked a fair amount (probably too much!) but only to people already around me!
I'm a "sit in my corner and be shy" person, as I am sure everyone figured out. I enjoyed being there listening to everyone though. I did an excellent job hiding in your pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteIt was so awesome to see how into the book your son was! I loved it. I'm so glad we all got together and it was lovely to meet you.
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to meet you and a few other bloggers face-to-face. I wish we could have stayed longer, but we had fun.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great gathering and you all look like you had a great time.
ReplyDeleteWe need to do this in the MD/DC/NOVA area. I think that would be fantastic--though I guess we sort of are with all of us headed to the national book festival next month.