Friday, June 27, 2008

Review: Relocating Mia by Rebecca Lerwill

BOOK: Relocating Mia by Rebecca Lerwill
GENRE: Thriller/Suspense

I wanted to like this book more. My husband got it for me for Mother's Day simply based on the fact that the author was sitting there in the bookstore looking lost, lonely and in need of someone to sign a book for. So, continuing our quest to support the local authors, he bought it!

I had no idea what to expect from this book. It turned out to be quite the suspense thriller ride. It sort of reminded me of a Jason Bourne kind of thing. It's about this girl who works to help companies relocate. She ends up in Russia, unwittingly mixed up in a major mess of a covert operation. The guy she thinks is her new partner is actually an agent for this secret operation.

My problem with the whole thing? There was too much background info for the whole first half of the book. My eyes would start to glaze over and I'd start thinking about other things. Not a good sign for a thriller. The real action didn't start until way too late. Also, I didn't care enough about the characters. It makes me wonder what authors do to make a reader care or not. Just simple character development? More conversation? More getting into their head? I don't know. What do you think? What ever it is, some really have a knack for it and others seem to be missing something.

Also, I didn't like the crude parts, and the spicy language that was thrown in. I can always do without that.

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