I skipped Throwback Thursday last week, but I thought I'd participate again today with a look yet again at a rambling post from the past. These rambling posts are so much fun for me to revisit since it makes me really see how things change, and yet how they stay the same.
This post is from back in January of 2010, more than four years ago. What was I talking about then? Here's the post copied and pasted here:
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Sunday Salon: Sunday Ramblings

It hasn't been very long since my last rambling post, but since my thoughts are quite scattered today, I thought I might as well ramble again here.
-- JJ finished reading Les Miserables awhile back. I've seen the musical several times and it's one of my favorites, if not my very most favorite, musical. So I was telling her all about it and since then she's been blasting the music all over the house. Last night we found some old VCR tapes of that amazing production they did for the 10th anniversary of Les Mis, so we sat down and watched the whole thing. It's been fun to revisit this music. Are you a huge Les Mis fan too?
-- Book club this week is North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. So I'm trying to fit in a re-read of that wonderful book and today I hope to watch some, hopefully, most of the beautiful BBC movie. It feels like I've been looking forward to this forever, even though I've seen it already. Too funny. Are you a huge North and Sou
th BBC movie fan?

-- Which reminds me, we need bookword suggestions! What do we call a book where you can't get the movie character out of your head while reading. I'm finding I now have this "problem" with North and South.Can you blame me? :)
-- Wow! Thanks to all the lurkers that de-lurked the other day! I had so much fun learning about you all!Do I still have some lurkers that haven't de-lurked yet? You still can you know!
-- Hey, guess what! I finished some books this weekend! First Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson. I can't wait to review this for you, though it will be hard. I loved this book but am finding it difficult to tell you about it without giving everything away. Then, I finished Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton for an upcoming Classics Circuit post. It was a quick easy... but sad... book.
-- This week I learned that Tif from Tif Talks Books is also on a campaign to support local authors. She is putting together a site that lists authors by geographic area. Please go there and add your local authors to her list! Especially those of you who are participating in the perpetual challenge. That would be great. Have you signed up for Support Your Local Authorsyet? You are welcome to do that anytime.
-- I'm hoping for a little Sherlock Holmes tomorrow. Keeping fingers crossed it will happen!
-- I started book fair planning this past week. I can't believe it's time for that already again. One more year, and I'll have no more kids in elementary school, which means, my book fair days will be over. What will I do with myself?
Well, I think that's plenty of rambling thoughts for one post. Have a great Sunday and a wonderful week!
And what are my observations now?
- Ah Les Mis! Still one of our favorites. It's fun to look back and remember how obsessed we were after my daughter read it. Our obsession waxes and wanes through the years. Currently, we haven't listened to it or seen it for quite awhile. But soon, I predict, we'll have a resurgence!
- North and South! And I wonder if this is one of the first times I posted about Richard Armitage? I have no idea, but you can bet it wasn't the last. He also waxes and wanes on this blog! Oh my gosh, but I love that picture of him. And later this year, a bunch of us plan to revisit North and South yet again. This book, this show, this actor is NOT going away anytime soon!
- Oh, the Bookword Game! Raise you hand if you remember that feature here! That was fun times, yes. Fun times. I don't know what bookword we came up with for a movie actor you can't get out of your head, but I'm sure it was a good one. :)
- Oh, that delurker post I referred to was a good one. I was so excited because I'd never had so many comments as I had that day! Wow. That was cool. I probably haven't had as many comments since either. Do I still have lurkers? I always wonder about my lurkers. HEY HI LURKERS! I hope you are still here and lurking and reading and enjoying!
- Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson. Awesome book. Still one of my favorites. And The Classics Circuit. Remember that anyone? Fun project from back in the day.
- OH and TIF! Probably my first connection with Tif who is now one of my favorite blogging buddies! We were both trying to promote local authors. I think both of our projects have fallen by the wayside, at least our push and promotion for them, but as you know, my quest to read and support Utah authors is an ongoing and never ending quest.
- Hmmm.. Sherlock Holmes? It must have been the first movie with RDJ. That was fun.
- Book fair again. I blogged a lot about book fair and now... nothing! But the memories are good ones.
Glad to have you back Suey! Ah, yea I totally don't blame you. North and South isn't a book I would normally read but you may have just swayed me on watching the movie :) Thanks for linking up. Pinning and sharing!
ReplyDeleteI stopped at the RA picture too long. Yes, yes I am a North and South fan!
ReplyDeleteSo, can you tell I am way behind on commenting on blogs?!? And, now I feel bad because you mentioned me!!! I still love my local authors, but with our recent move, I know nobody!! But, when I return to my home state where my original love began, I will be back to giving my local authors lots of love!! Cannot wait!!