According to my list I sent 31 pieces of mail to England, Canada, Australia, Sweden, The Philippines, Nevada, North Carolina, New Jersey, Indiana, Massachusetts, Oregon, New Hampshire, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Texas, Colorado, Idaho, and of course Utah! (Did I forget someone?) Whew. Awesome!
Hopefully I sent something to everyone that responded to my several pleas for addresses. If I didn't let me know! (Some of them may still be on their way.)
I sent several birthday cards and Valentines to family, Utah postcards and cards to lots of blogger people and other letter writing participants, cards and even a few "real" letters to in real life friends, and far away friends! Oh, and one fan letter! (To Mr. Markus Zusak of course!) And I don't even think it was too fan girly or gushy, it was a simple chit chatting thing and was actually so fun to write and made me realize I should do that more often. I have John Green on my list too, but didn't get one written yet. And I couldn't find a real snail mail address for Josh Groban, but perhaps I'll keep looking. Yeah, as if he looks at real snail mail letters. Do you think?
So far I've received two postcards, two other types of cards, and one "real" letter. (By real letter, of course I mean on several pieces of paper with several sides covered! Thanks Memory!) Hopefully there's still some to come!
Here's what I learned from this experience:
FAITH: that the very small piece of paper that I was sticking in a box was actually and truly embarking on a trip and would make it to its destination wherever it may be in the world!
PATIENCE: waiting waiting waiting for the possibility that maybe perhaps a letter would come back to me!
TRANQUILITY: to take a quiet moment to stop, and sit and write something
TRUST: that giving out my address to several strangers would be safe and okay
CREATIVITY: in thinking of what to say to 1) people I've never met or talked to 2) people that read my blog and see all there is to know about me already 3) people who I live with and/or talk to a lot in real life, so what's left to say? Yeah, that was fun trying to be creative!
ORGANIZATION: to actually fit in that bit of tranquility and creativity and get a letter written every day.
And I'm sure there were many other aspects to the experience, but those are the ones that stand out. Oh, I also learned that the mailman changed up his schedule and comes to the house much earlier than he used to! That messed me up several days and caused me to have to take a little drive to the post office. Oh, well.
Bottom line: I loved it! It has been so fun, and I will keep the letter writing going. I just won't stress about the every day thing. Yeah, that will be nice.