Today, I was going to do a post for
Where in the World are you Reading? BUT, the question is, where's an unusual place you read? And.... I can't think of any unusual place. All my reading places are the normal places. You know, the bed, the couch, the car. So, I guess I'll pass on that one for this month and wait for next month's prompt!
In the meantime, I have some rambly things to discuss today. You all seem to enjoy the rambles, so, here goes.
** First, check out the
books I've "purchased" with Christmas and birthday gift cards! I know! It's exciting, and so I had to share! Here's hoping I actually read them soon. Like very very soon!
**And hey! Guess what? I'm going to take an online class from, like, a REAL university! It's from this website called I think it's fairly new, but I'm so excited.
I'm going to take two nutrition classes. One that starts soon and is more science-y. And one that starts in April that's more about the myths and fads that are always floating around and how to know what's right and real and what's not. That's the one I'm most excited about. I want the TRUTH about nutrition. I wonder if it's possible, but I'm going to try. You see, I have an issue with food, as you may or may not know, and I'm hoping that this class will help me. My problem is, I get particularly defensive about food, and I get crazy when people say certain food is BAD and certain food is GOOD. So, maybe these classes will help. I guess we'll see.
But no matter what I learn, I will be trying to eat more healthy (whatever that means) but for some, it means salads, and so check out this one that my son (nearly 18) made yesterday:
I can eat that (with dressing of course!)

**So, our
read along for Wolf Hall has started....but I still haven't started the book! That's because I wanted to first get done with Seraphina, a really awesome dragon book, but it seems to be taken me forever! I'm so so close! Which means that I hope to start this huge Wolf Hall book soon. And I hope that it sucks me in and goes down easy and fast-ish.
** One of my favorite things in the whole world is the
sun on the mountains in the morning. I tried to capture it for you:
** Oh, and I hope you were able to check out
my guest post over at Melissa's the other day! But look what I saw when I was at the bookstore yesterday. It made me laugh:
** So I've been an American Idol fan since the beginning. And I watched the new season last night, complete with the new judges and... and.... I'm just not sure I can do it this year. That was AWFUL! Makes me realize how much I actually enjoyed Steven Tyler and all his... craziness! Ugh. I'm so bummed.
** Well, I guess that's all I've got for now. I'm quite certain I had more, but I can't think suddenly. Anyway, I need to go figure out what to do for book club treats tonight! And clean the house a bit, and go get next month's books... and finish Seraphina!
Wishing an awesome Thursday to you all!