Genre: YA Contemporary
For: Utah Book Month and Support Local Authors
From: Bought at the conference the other day
Short Synopsis: This book alternates between the points of view of two girls. One is Mandy, a young pregnant girl. She's handpicked Robin from a website to be the mother of her baby. Robin has agreed to let Mandy come live with her and her daughter until the baby is born. Mandy is desperate to get away from home and feels this situation, with no questions asked, is a perfect one for her. The other girl, is the daughter in this family that Mandy has come to live with. Her name is Jill. She is dealing with the death of her father, the drama with her boyfriend, and now the arrival of this girl who is taking up all her mom's attention. Not to mention the fact that her mom wants to raise and support a brand new baby! Needless to say, life gets interesting for all of them as they come to terms with all these changes!
My Response: Okay, I loved it. I pretty much had it figured out by the end, as to what would happen, and I loved this solution to everything. I loved getting into the heads of both these girls who are so completely different from each and growing with them. It was awesome. There's also a couple of really cool boys that make and appearance, which, you know, is always fun. Anyway, as with all of Sara's books, this one is filled with high levels of emotion and heart felt, gut wrenching issues. I predict a tear or two if you read it!
Bottom Line: A lot people, when they found out I was reading this one, said... "one of my favorites ever." And I have to agree. It will probably be on my list at the end of the year.
Let's Talk About: Don't you love it when you read a book everyone seems to love and then, you end up loving it too? Best thing ever!
Other Reviews:
Sara Zarr's most popular novel lives up to its hype and delivered above and beyond my sky-high expectations, instantly making her one of my favorite authors. Ever. From Ivy Book Bindings
How to Save a Life is just one of those books that engaged me from its first word to its last. It's a heart-wrenching, hopeful novel, one that reminds me why I love contemporary YA so much. From Bloggin' 'bout Books
How to Save a Life is this beautiful near perfect story about the pain we carry around inside us and the way that pain can be turned into something else, something life saving and live giving when we come together as people. From My Friend Amy
This is a compelling novel to be sure. It is emotional. It is well written. From Becky's Book Reviews
I'm so glad you loved this one! It's one of my favorites. As an adoptive mom, I'm especially sensitive to the issues at the heart of HOW TO SAVE A LIFE, but I don't think there's anyone out there who wouldn't be touched by this novel. It's real and heartbreaking and so beautiful. Love, love, love!
ReplyDeleteI loved this one too. I love when a book holds up to its reputation. As you know, I'm often disappointed but sometimes I'm not and this book was one of those times.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think it's nice when everyone is on the same page. I always feel weird when I don't love something everyone else loves. But, at the same time, I'm okay with it too because it's what makes me me. :)