-- The craziness is due, in part, to the fact that I'm charge of our church Christmas party tonight. The theme is "Christmas in Hawaii" and we're feeding 250 people Kalua Pork.... and having live Hawaiian music and dancers, and passing out really cheap plastic leis. Not too Christmas-y, but hopefully fun.
-- And can I just say I'll be so so glad when it's over!
-- Add to that, we've ripped up our 10 year old's room, and need to find time to paint it... before we can get her stuff back in her room and out of the living room, where we need to put up a tree!
-- I was going to do my Advent Tour post on a fun tradition that my kids have loved over the years.... yet... for some reason... so far this year they haven't said a word about it. That really lets me know how crazy things are.
-- My 10 year old will be hanging out with the teenagers tonight after they do a dance performance (since I'll be otherwise occupied). She is on cloud 9, the teenager daughter is annoyed.
-- There's no time to blog this week, and that's really sad, because I even have ideas and everything.
-- Tomorrow, after we hopefully paint the bedroom, in the morning, we have yet another party to attend. The mentality, I'm thinking, is to hurry up and get the parties all over with at the beginning of the month! Sorta sad.
-- I have no idea what to get my kids for Christmas.
-- The thermometer says it's 10 degrees outside. I wish I could curl up and stay in.
-- There's a tie for the new Bookword! Don't forget to go vote.
-- I need a haircut in bad bad way. But... you guessed it... there's no time. I'm hoping to fit it in before tomorrow's party.
-- Hey, I got Google Wave! And now I have no idea why. Maybe someday it will make sense.
-- Oh, and looky here! Someone was in the latest People "Sexiest Man" issue:

-- Well, I gotta run and face the day. Happy Randomness to you all!
I hate painting, especially when you have to paint before you move stuff back in. It's too much pressure! I have walls at my house that are literally half painted, and they'll probably stay that way for a few more decades.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the Christmas Party!
Happy randomness to you, too! I hope you find some time. December's always insane!!
ReplyDeleteI'm having a pretty darn random week too. Here's hoping next week is better.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the Christmas party. Sounds fun. :D (Yeah, I so don't envy you.)
I hear you on not knowing what to get the kids for Christmas. My husband and I are struggling with this one too.
ReplyDeleteI'm there with you on Google Wave too. I have one and have no idea what to do with it either. Go figure.
Good luck on getting your child's room painted and with your party tonight!