Book: Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchy
Genre: Literary fiction
Rating: A-
It's been awhile since I've read a Binchy book, and it was fun to get back to one! I read this for the TBR challange, so that's half of them done! Six down, six to go! I had my own copy (that's the point of the challenge, right?) but I ended up getting a large print copy from the library, so this was also my treadmill book of the week. Great way to read a book.
This is the story of a handful of people who were all dining together at a quaint little cafe in a small Greek village when they all witnessed a tragic event. Because of that, they all ended up friends and told each other their background stories and helped each other solve all their problems. It's a very simple, sweet story and made me want to just go hang out in Greece for a summer! Still, not one of my favorite Binchy's. I look forward to getting caught up with some more of hers later this summer.
P.S. I'm officially chalking up The Last Living Confederate Widow as a DNF! I HATE doing that, but it's due at the library today and I just can't renew it AGAIN because I know I won't read it. Maybe if I get it out of here, it will stop making faces at me for neglecting it. Maybe.
My life in high school, and college too, was band. I was a major band geek. I played the clarinet and loved it. In college I was in the marching band for three years. Very fun.
I’ve compiled the life histories of my grandparents, both sets of them. I interviewed them on tapes and then put it all together with pictures and pedigree charts and recipes and whatever else I could think of. One set died just after I got done. The other set has done lots of living since then and I really need to update!
Other things I love to do besides reading and blogging is quilting, making movies on the computer, baking, seeing new places, and geocaching.
I’m a huge Josh Groban fan and will be wishing my summer away so August 28 can get here because that night I’ll be seeing him in concert! YES!