Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Book Review Discussion: The Unhappening of Genesis Lee by Shallee McArthur and Launch Party Pictures

Book: The Unhappening of Genesis Lee by Shallee McArthur
Genre: YA SF
Rating:★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
For: Review and Supporting Local Authors
From: Received for free from the publisher through Edelweiss. All opinions are my own. 

Short Synopsis: This is a world in the future where some of the people have the capability to store their memories in links they wear on their wrist or neck or some where. They can also sense memories of others through touching. The other people are "normal" and have to remember their memories in their heads. There's a huge rift between the two groups and in this story, this divide comes to a head. It started when someone starts stealing memory links. Our heroine, Gena, somehow gets all mixed up in this business and has to find a way to make it all end.

My Response: Very interesting premise this is. You'd think that having all our memories stored and readily accessible would be a good thing. But no, I think not at all! This made me so glad for our good old brains and ability to have all our memories with us, even if we don't remember ALL the details. But I did love the idea of storing memories within objects and while we don't necessarily do this, we do have a way to visibly store memories... scrapbooks, photograph books and videos! Yes,  I love this stuff for this reason and it pains me when I get behind or haven't backed them up or printed, or burned or whatever I need to do with them. Because I do feel that it does preserve our memories for those that come after us and it's a big deal.

This book includes lots of science which, if you've read many of my reviews before you'll know that it tends to go over my head. So there was a lot I just didn't get. But it sounded pretty cool anyway!

Bottom Line: Very fun, clever and unique science fiction adventure.

Let's Talk About: How about you and the storing of memories? Do you wish we had a more fail safe way to do it? Do you keep up on the methods I mentioned above? Do you ever feel panicky about making sure memories are stored?

Other Reviews:

I didn't know who to trust or what to believe, and I loved that! I love stories that keep me guessing and surprises me in the end. From Kami's Library Thoughts

The antagonist was well written too. I didn’t figure out who they were before they were revealed. The story kept me guessing all the way to the end. From Jenni Elyse

This book was surprisingly deep at times when talking about what memories one would want to forget and keeping all of your memories to deal with them properly. From Woven Magic

I couldn't flip the pages fast enough to get to the heart of this mystery. I wanted to know who the memory thief was SO BAD. From Elana Johnson

And finally, some pictures of the launch party we went to for this book! I'm a bit behind as it happened a few weeks ago. But we had a great time, even joining Shallee and her family and friends at a restaurant afterward. (Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of that part of the evening.)

We (Kami, Jenni, me and my daughter made fan signs!
And then made Shallee get in the picture too!
During the awesome fun presentation.

There was quite the signing line. 

More line pictures with Kami and Jenni.


  1. This book definitely has an interesting- sounding premise, and lucky me, I think I already have it on my Kindle awaiting my attentions. I like books that deal with memory, one of my favorites is Spilling Clarence by Anne Ursu, where a chemical released in the air brings back everybody's memories minus the haze of years gone by, and it definitely made me reconsider the value of having *all* your memories and having them all as clear as the day you made them.

    That said, I rely a bit too much on my brain for the storage of good memories and not enough on the diligent taking and backing-up of pictures. I definitely worry that I'll regret that someday, but I'm so busy making new memories, it's hard to make time to keep a good physical catalog of the old ones!

    1. Megan: Well said! We have no time to worry about the old ones in favor of making new ones! I love it. Here's hoping you enjoy this one. :)

  2. Good review! I love that you quote other bloggers, especially when it's me. It makes me feel awesome. That was a fun night!

  3. I liked what you had to say about this book. I think it would be cool if we could store details of memories in things more than just pictures. BUT, I'd still want it in my brain too so they couldn't be stolen. At the same time, there are some things I prefer not to remember and I think it's good I don't. But, when she brought up the idea of her grandma striking her and her parents taking that memory away but the pain still being there, I think that happens. I think when we suppress something or we forget something, the pain remains. I thought that description was dead on!



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