Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mini-Review: Austenland by Shannon Hale

Book: Austenland by Shannon Hale
Rating: A-
Genre: Romance
One of my favorites, Shannon Hale, strayed from her normal kind of book, YA fantasy, to write this very much chick lit kind of book. If you are remotely a fan of the Colin Firth rendition of Pride and Prejudice, you'll love this fun little read! It's all based on the main character's fantasy that no guy could ever live up to her Mr. Darcy ideal and her quest to try and banish that fantasy from her life. She ends up going to a retreat in England where people dress up and act for three weeks as if they were in one of Jane Austen's novels. The trick is to figure out who's acting and who's not! And does she learn to leave her idea of a perfect Mr. Darcy behind... or not? It's great fun!

1 comment:

  1. I added this to my wishlist awhile ago, so I'm glad to hear good things about it!



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