Genre: YA Paranormal
Rating: ★★★★☆
For: Review
From: NetGalley
Since the second book in this series is soon to come out both it AND the first book were available to review from NetGalley and I jumped at the chance since this is a series I've been curious about.
Reading this book consumed my weekend! I was afraid to close my eyes for fear I'd dream about vampires! Yes, it's been awhile since I read a vampire story and this was a pretty intense one!
This story went through several phases, taken our main character Allie right along with, and for awhile I wondered how it would all connect, but it all comes together in the end.
In the first part of the story, she is living as a street rat in a post apocalyptic city ruled by vampires. Her existence is a meager one, she is barely scraping by to survive, with the help of a little tiny street gang. But that comes to devastating end, and then, she is suddenly living with and being tutored by a mysterious and quiet vampire with a back story I was dying to know! He is at once scary and nurturing, strange combo for a vampire.
Then suddenly, all that comes to another devastating end, and she has to leave him to begin wandering outside the city wall. It's scary out there! There are rabid vampires, similar to the virals in The Passage and The Twelve... really really scary feral things. But she comes across a very small group of people who are traveling to find their Eden, and so she joins up with them and they protect each other, and then of course she falls in love, both with the group and particular boy. This is not a good thing!
Of course, the situation ends up badly for them too, and we find ourselves in a future, flooded Chicago fighting to stay alive up against a group of really ruthless raiders all led by a really awful disgusting vampire dude/king. And then all the connections start happening, and the back stories start being revealed and its all so very intense and crazy that I couldn't stop reading last night even though the time had sprung ahead and the clock said I had to go to bed!
And now I know why many readers have been anxious for the next book. I'm so excited to be able to get right to it!
Bottom line: I was totally into this book!
Other Reviews:
Gave this a 5/5 as it kept me up much too late to finish reading. Couldn't wait to see what happened next, as Julie kept a great pace and there was something new around every corner! From Alexia's Books and Such
Within the pages of The Immortal Rules, Kagawa perfectly blends two of my favorite things, dystopian settings and vampires, and also successfully recaptures the darkness of old vampire tales. From There's a Book
I really wanted to like this book, but it just didn’t grab me, which is sad. From Reading in Winter
Definitely a new perspective of a very popular YA theme (vampires). I honestly can’t say I’ve read a dystopian style vampire book, but it was refreshing to say the least, From Book Nerd Reviews
I love when authors push the limits and don't make their characters cliche. From I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read
This one sounds really good to me. Yeah, it's a vampire book but it sounds very unique and creepy. I'll have to get my hands on it soon.