Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Upcoming Utah Book Blogger Party!

We've got a day pinned down and now it's time to spread the word. If you are a book blogger, author, aspiring author, bookseller or publishing type person in the Utah area, please join us for our fifth get together coming up on Saturday, March 5 at 6:00 p.m. We'll be meeting at the same Golden Corral as we did last year (7200 S. and 655 E.) in Midvale. The cost for dinner is just under $10.00 plus drinks/tips. We'll be doing the book exchange like last time, so bring a used/loved book to share.

Please, all you Utah people, spread the word. Put up your own blog post. Tweet about it. There's just too many of us now to send out personal invites, so we need help to let everyone know it's happening!

And if you haven't already joined the Utah Blogger group on the Ning, now is your chance. That's where we are trying to keep track of everyone and it makes for a good central location for all that's happening.

Here's my posts from past parties if you want to know what you'll be getting into! You can see how we've grown tremendously, and how much fun we have, and how you really want to try and come if you can.

First Party in January 2009
Summer 2009
Last Year in Feb. 2010
Last Summer Aug. 2010

It would be awesome if you could let me (or Natasha at Maw Books Blog, or Becky at One Literature Nut)  know if you plan on coming so we can get a feel for our numbers that night. You can also email us at utahbookbloggers AT gmail DOT com.

Also, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions! We hope to see many of you there!


  1. You guys do an awesome job with these! Thanks so much for putting it all together. Can't wait!

  2. What a fun idea! And what a lot of work for you.

  3. Oooh, sounds like fun! Will do my best to be there. :)

  4. I'm so sad I can't come! I'll be working. You should all go to Provo Borders after dinner and get a drink or dessert in the cafe - I'll be there.
