Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weekly Geeks #5: Forms of Story Telling

Here's the question/theme for Weekly Geeks week #5:

Guten Tag, Weekly Geeks! This week’s theme was suggested by Renay. She says, “I thought it would be cool to ask people to talk about other forms of story-telling.”

This week’s theme is once again one you could approach several ways. You might want to tell about the forms of storytelling (aside from books) you love. Maybe you enjoy TV shows, movies, music, narrative poetry, or Renay’s favorite, fanfiction. You could give us an overview of a type of storytelling, such as listing your favorite movies. Or you might pick a more specific story, one particular favorite. I just finished watching an episode of Lost, for example, so I could tell why I enjoy that series, or I could get more specific and focus on one character’s personal story. Some people might post youtubes of the songs whose stories they find brilliant, or some might share family bedtime stories. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

And my attempt at answering it:

The first thing that came to mind for me regarding good story telling is our own life stories... or autobiographies... or telling the stories of ancestors. I think people's personal stories, especially those people in your own life, are some of the most important and fascinating stories out there. I've been able to interview both sets of my grandparents and get their stories written down, and now that they are done, I need to work on my parents next! As for my own story? I've kept a journal since I was 12 which pretty much tells every boring detail of my life since then... so my story is being told I guess... bit by bit as it unfolds!

I liked all the other suggestions for story telling options. For instantce, a couple of my favorite movies that tell a great story are:

Star Wars (the original of course!)


and The Princess Bride.

And I love the idea of songs that tell stories. A couple that come right to mind:

Hazard by Richard Marx

One Tin Soldier by Coven... I think

and Cats in the Cradle by Harry Chapin.

Well, I'm guessing I could go on and on with this theme... so I'll just say that's it for now!


  1. You know, I like reading the stories of my ancestors, and I have to admit, I even go back through my journals to see what I was like when I was a teenager. Perhaps that's why I like historical fiction? Good thoughts. (Liked the videos, too.)

  2. There is a whole branch of creative writing that uses journals to create life stories. Michael Pearson in Creative Non-Fiction says first choose an event from your personal past you have lots of photographs of to write a 1500-2000 word narrative around. Then interview someone who was there as well and write up a 1000 word description of their experience. Finally compare the two versions and reflect on the difference for a 1000 word account.

    You then have 3-4000 words of memoir as the basis of an essay!

  3. Melissa... I read over my journals all the time. They are very dramatic.

    John... what a great idea! I think I just might have to try that!

  4. Telling auto-biographical stories can be challenging, but even that process is therapeutic. Your approach to family biography is inspiring. How wonderful to have shared that time with your grandparents. Your interviews will be a way for your family to know them and honor them for generations to come!



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