Book: Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: A
Oh, I loved this book. It was the perfect "treadmill" book for me this past week because I couldn't wait to get back to it. (You know, treadmill books STAY at the treadmill... that's the whole idea!) I "discovered" this author by reading Scott Westerfeld's (of Uglies fame) blog and he links to this author's blog a lot because... well... she's his wife! Cool, huh. She's great and cracks me up all the time, so I thought I'd finally pick up her book... the first in a series... of course.
It's about a girl named Reason, from Australia, who at first doesn't believe in magic. She comes to find out, though, that it is real. She also learns there's quite the catch. If you use your magic, you lose years from your life, but if you don't use it, then you go insane. Quite the quandry. There's lots of other quandries too, and a very magic door and some great characters. I'm anxious to find the next one!
For the 100+ Reading Challenge, I am doing something fun. Well, at least I think it is. I'd like to start posting the participating members favorite book for each month on the blog. Mine is already up for January. Send me your favorite book and author of the book for January. As soon as this month is over, I’ll post one for February.
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