Thursday, February 28, 2008

Booking Through Thursday: Heroine

Booking Through Thursday

Who is your favorite female lead character? And why? (And yes, of course, you can name more than one . . . I always have trouble narrowing down these things to one name, why should I force you to?)

My problem? I like 'em all! But the ones that stand out:

  • Elizabeth Bennett, of course!
  • Jo March of Little Women
  • Anne of Anne of Green Gables
  • Laura Ingells of the Little House series
  • Molly in Wives and Daughters
  • Hermione from Harry Potter

So, there's a start of my many favorites!


  1. Great list! I can't believe I forgot about Laura and Jo. :-(

  2. Elizabeth Bennett is one of my favorites as well.

    I'll have to think about this one a little more.

  3. i found you via the tbr challenge!

    a friend and i just started a book lovers message board. we'd love for you to join!


  4. I thought about including

    # Anne of Anne of Green Gables
    # Laura Ingells of the Little House series

    on my list but went with Pippi instead.

    Happy BTT.

  5. So many great ones. I just picked Wives & Daughters. Can't wait to read it.

  6. Elizabeth made my list too. I tried to limit my list to five, but Hermione definitely would have made my top ten.



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