Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What I Read in November

Eh, it was not such a great month this month, which makes me sad, because November is one of my favorites. But yeah, life (or death as the case may be) happens and sometimes reading takes a back seat. This list actually looks better than the month really was... most of these were really fast easy books that I just read last week during the Thanksgiving break. 

Swoon at Your Own Risk by Sydney Salter: It's summer and Polly has sworn off boys, if only they'd stop being everywhere! And if only a certain skateboarder didn't look so hot! 

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (re-read): Edmund Dantes is framed, goes to prison, escapes, then spends years plotting and carrying out his revenge.

Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody: Elsbeth is named a misfit and is cast out to this remote settlement to work away from the rest of society.

White Cat by Holly Black: Cassel is trying to figure out what's really going on with his curse working family.

Wake by Lisa McMann: Janie must deal with the fact that she is forced into other people's dreams and what to do about the stuff she learns there.

Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld: Alek and Deryn's adventures continue during an alternate WWI, with much of the action taking place in Istanbul.

North of Beautiful by Jusinta Chen Headley: Terra has a birthmark on her face, so she makes up for it by trying to be perfect in everything else. 

Favorites: North of Beautiful was wonderful. I also really enjoyed White Cat and Wake.

Plans for December:

* read The Fires of Heaven, WoT book five. (Started the prologue last night!)
* read The Way We Live Now for the Classics Circuit
* try to read The Iliad for Really Old Classics
* The Glass Castle is STILL sitting there waiting for me!
* maybe continue with The Riddle, depending on mood
* read more of that library stack perhaps
* read new books from Christmas!

How'd your reading month go?

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