Monday, May 4, 2020

April 2020 Reading Recap

Easter Eggs

So what happened to being quarantined to just read and read and read? Oh, right. Kdramas. They pull harder than books sometimes, a lot, these days. Sigh. But still I read some stuff.

Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman: The second book in the Scythe series were we learn more about the Thunderhead, and we follow the further adventures of our two heroes and hope they can figure out how to save the world from corruption.

I Love You So Mochi by Sarah Kuhn: A girl travels to Japan to meet her grandparents and also hopes to figure out what she wants to do with her life.

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi: The start of a series in which we are introduced to this world where magic has been taken away and is a bad thing, and our characters are trying to bring it back.

These three books are so different from each other it's very hard to compare and contrast and choose a favorite. I guess Thunderhead kept me on my toes the most and made me shudder in shock.

Goals for May:

  • finish Matt's book:  Awakening
  • finish The 15 Lives of Harry August for book club
  • read Island of the Sea Women for Asian Book Club
  • probably that's all I'll get to, but I want to read some fluff too

What are you all reading?


  1. Children of Blood and Bone is high on my to-read list! Happy May, stay safe!

  2. I really liked ISLAND OF THE SEA WOMEN. It's fascinating. I hope you enjoy it!
