So anyway, here is my reading by the numbers. Also numbers for kdrama and youtubing too.
Total pages: 14,010
Total Re-reads: 3
Men: 9
Women: 32
ARCS for Review: 3
Supporting Utah Authors: 2?
Book Club: 9
Read Alongs (Kpop Book Club): 5
Beehive Award Long List: 12
Library: 11
On my Kindle: 15
Bought/Owned: 14
Borrowed: 1
Audio: 0
YA: 26
Adult: 11
Middle Grade: 2
Picture Book Fairy Tales: 2
From the YA Category:
Contemporary Realistic Fiction: 20
Fantasy: 6
From the MG Category:
Contemporary Realistic Fiction: 1
Fantasy: 1
From the Adult Category:
Historical Fiction: 1
Fantasy: 3
Literary Fiction: 3
Non Fiction: 3
Classic: 1
Star Ratings:
5 stars: 7
4 stars: 18
3 stars: 14
2 stars: 2
1 star: 0
- Fifty for a Goodreads goal was still too much. I'm back down to 45 to try for during 2020.
- YA contemporary/realistic fiction appears to still be a current favorite.
- I'm back on the ARC/Review list for a local publishing company!
- If it's on my Kindle, I'll read it. This needs to be remembered.
- I doubled my Beehive Award long list reading this year! Wah!
- I need to get back to supporting Utah authors. What happened to that endeavor?
Total Kdramas consumed: 21
5 hearts: 7
4 hearts: 10
3 hearts: 4
Total Videos Uploaded on The Kpop Konverters: 933 (up from 828 last year)
Total Uploaded in 2019: 105 (down from 273)
2.3 million views: 1
Over 100,000 views: 15 (up from 12)
50,000 to 100,000 views: 22 (up from 14)
10,000 to 50,000 views: 91 (same)
5,000 to 10,000 views: 68 (up from 60)
Subscribers at year end: 27,486 (up from 22,632 last year)
View count at year end: 11,350,409 (up from 8,729,763 last year)
- At this time last year I was worried about the changes coming up for the channel, and my worries are coming true. There is definitely less enthusiasm going on with those involved! But... we aren't dead yet.
- At this time NEXT year, we should have more than 1000 videos uploaded! That's seriously crazy.
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