Friday, August 26, 2016

Utah Book Week Day Five: 2016

The past couple of years I've posted a list of all the Utah authors I've read that year. My list is smaller this year, but I've still been reading them!

So... here's my list for this year, 2016, the Utah authors I've read since August last year at Utah Book Month:

Fires of Invention by J. Scott Savage: A girl and a boy follow clues left by the girl's father and discover the mystery of their underground village.

Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis: Essie is surviving just fine and then a ship crash lands on her planet and she realizes that she needs to make some changes and stop running away from her past.

Year of Origin (beta read for Maren T.): Blue finds herself Displaced into the future and all she wants to do is find her family.

Heir to Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson: Philip's brother dies, he has to take over the estate even though he'd rather not, and now everyone wants to marry him!

Eleanor and the Iron King by Julie Daines: Eleanor is sent to marry the king of the rival kingdom but when she gets there, she gets confused as to who's the good guys and who's the bad.

Endure by Sara B. Larson: The final installment of this fantasy trilogy where there is an epic showdown between the kingdoms.

The Pages Between Us by Lindsey Leavitt: A fun middle grade book about two friends who write stuff to each other in a notebook they pass back and forth between them. Cute!

Summerlost by Ally Condie: A sweet story about how a young girls deals with grief during a summer stay in her grandparents home town.

Burning Glass by Kathryn Purdie: Sometimes when you can feel the emotions of everyone around it can get awfully confusing!

Have you read any books by Utah authors this year? If so, let me know which ones and if you liked them!


  1. I am not sure if I have read any Utah authors or not. I am sure somewhere in my reading. I read Brandon Sanderson, but not recently.

  2. Wow! You've read quite a few Utah books this year.

  3. Lol. I totally read your title wrong. I thought the prompt was 5 not 2016. I was like what does your list have to do with "5"? Then, I realized that I read it wrong. I must be tired.

    I've only read 4 Utah books this year, which is way down from my 15ish last year at this time.

  4. I wonder how many Utah authors I've read since last August. Sadly it's probably not that many.
