Saturday, August 27, 2016

Utah Book Week Day Six: FIVE

Here are five books by Utah authors that I would recommend you read ASAP:

Well, that's just a start, but the prompt is only FIVE after all!


  1. I have read the last two and enjoyed them!

  2. I read everything Brandon Sanderson writes, he's so good.

  3. Yes! How To Save a Life and The Hollow City. I'd recommend these is a heartbeat!

  4. I've read two of them! Yay! Go me! I'll try to read the others at some point.

  5. I love this list! I've read 4 1/8 of these -- I only got through a few chapters of THE WAY OF KINGS before it came due at the library :( HOW TO SAVE A LIFE is one of my favorite books of all time. Yay for awesome Utah authors!

  6. I haven't read a Dan Wells book yet. I need to remedy that soon!
