Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sing Along Saturday... on Sunday: My Theme Song

Here's another "new" meme I plan to have some fun with. This one is hosted by Bookish Things and More and each week they'll be asking us to share a song according to a theme they've thought up.

This week's theme: What song defines you?

Isn't that a loaded question!?! But here's the first song that came to mind for me. Of course it's by Super Junior since that's my current craze. This is the song that, when I watched them sing it live, I decided, dang, I really really love these guys. But more than that, this song defines pretty much how I feel about life these days which is... to take things one day at a time, to face each day with a smile and deal with whatever comes my way, even if I don't quite know where I'm going or where things will lead.

Here's a video of the song with English lyrics included!  Also, I love it because it highlights whoever happens to be singing at the time, which is fun for learning their individual voices. Anyway, I hope you listen!

Walkin' by Super Junior 


Want to share what song defines you? Come and link up over at Bookish Things and More!


  1. That's such an awesome song! Definitely an awesome way to look at life. Thanks for joining in our meme!!!

  2. I was listening to this and Corey said, "What is that?" I told him about it and how you're obsessed with it. He just looked at me and said, "That was awful." Lol. I guess he's not a fan. Oh well. He doesn't much like the music I listen to either, unless it's on the bands he likes, such as Muse.

    1. Jenni: Awful because it's in Korean? Or awful otherwise?

    2. I don't think the Korean matters to him. I think it's too poppy for him. He's not a fan of pop.

  3. I love this video... I want them all like this... MAN I love these guys!!!

  4. I actually kind of liked this song. It's still a bit boy band for me but I liked it. I liked that it highlighted who was singing too.

    1. Jenny: I will share a non-boy bandish one soon I'm sure. But what makes it NOT boy bandish actually? I need more info...

  5. you are so so bad for my playlists or wait...I mean so so good for my playlists! What a great song! and I can see how it would be your 'theme' song. very cool!

    1. Stacy: Wait, really? You really like it? Like you aren't just humoring me? You don't have anything against the boy band sound??? :) Are you on Spotify? We should be friends there for reals.
