Saturday, April 16, 2016

Saturday Snapshot: A Walk in the Foothills of Timp

I have plans to participate in a couple of new-to-me blogging memes in an effort to shake it up around here. Welcome to the first one: Saturday Snapshot hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. Here are the details:

To participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.

Not sure how I'm going to approach this meme but for this first time I thought I'd share with you some pictures from a "walk" we took last weekend. A walk that ended up being more of hike and then getting off the trail and stuck! 

Mt. Timpanogos in the waning sun.

More of a pulled back view of the mountain and the road
we found to walk on.

View of the park way below us.
This is the park were the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival
takes place every Labor Day weekend.

The trail turned to rolling stones.
I was not wearing proper shoes!
But luckily, it didn't last for long.
Do you have some fun pictures to share this week? Head over to West Metro Mommy Reads and link up!


  1. Wow! Stunning views! It is lovely to see the scenery near you - so often we just talk about books and forget that other people live in totally different areas of the world. I think I need to think about shaking things up and trying something new too!

  2. Wow. So your trip down south turned you into a hiker? ;)

  3. Lovely pictures! It looks like you had fun even if you did get stuck and didn't have the proper shoes. I need to start walking/hiking again. Maybe once this rash goes away. Sigh.

  4. Sometimes getting off the path can lead to great adventure! Sounds as if you enjoyed yourself. That's the main thing.

    Enjoy Saturday Snapshot! When I started, I shared mostly old photos. Of late, it's been of current happenings, but I might eventually get back to browsing albums. It's a fun and inspiring meme.

  5. Welcome to Saturday Snapshots! As you can already tell, we post an eclectic selection of pictures from all over the place.
    LOVE your pictures of Mt. Timpanogos. Beautiful! Looks like a great place to go for a walk or hike. Thank you for stopping by my blog, too.
    Sandy @ Writing With a Texas Twang

  6. Welcome to Saturday Snapshots. I had no photos to share, but I love checking in on everyone here. I try to post often, so look forward to seeing more of your area. We might be closer than some others, I live in Wyoming.

  7. What beautiful views of the mountain. I think that was definitely a hike, and not a walk.

  8. I'm not sure there is such a thing as proper shoes for rolling stones! Yikes!

  9. My favorite time in Utah is Fall, but the Spring there is so beautiful, too. Thanks for sharing! Timp is so photogenic :)

  10. Looks like a beautiful place - we love to hike but I've never heard of this spot before.


    Book By Book

  11. What a beautiful walk/hike! I can't wait for hiking season to start here!
