Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Lovey Dovey Edition

It's a Valentine Freebie over at The Broke and the Bookish today. I wanted to do something, because hello... love and romance. But I've done favorite love stories, and literary crushes, and couples, what makes me swoon, and favorite kisses. Quotes would be fun, but I don't have time to look up quotes right now. . . and so what to do, what to do?

The only thing I can come up with is more recent literary crushes... not the old favorite standbys, but characters from books read in the past couple of years. Ready? Go.

Top Ten Recent Literary Crushes

1. Tarver from These Broken Stars... I have talked about him a lot, because he stands out in the recent crush scene. He's just so, so, perfect.

2. Max from The Start of Me and You.... because of his nerdiness. Nerds for the win!

3. Paul from A Thousand Pieces of Pieces of You, also because of his nerdiness and shyness and tallness.

4. Jake from Not in the Script, because of his non-nerdiness!

5. Arin from The Winner's Curse, because... oh my. I don't even know how to articulate. I have no words for this boy.

6. Adam from the Raven Boys, I like Gansey too, but I like Adam especially because he's quiet and unassuming. And tall and gangly, which for some reason I find cute in my literary boys.

7. Warner from Unravel Me, because he's the one you hate at first and then love. It's such a complete unexpected turnaround that it gives your whip lash and it's awesome.

8. Akiva from The Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and have I never mentioned him before? Because DANG. Smokin'.

9. Captain Thorne from Cress and Scarlet, because... swagger! There's just something about sincere swaggering. Am I right, or am I right?

10. Graham from This Is What Happy Looks Like, because how cute is he? An all humble celebrity. There's something about humble celebrities too I'm thinking.

And those are some recent loves. Have you read these books? Do you agree? Who's on your literary Valentine list this week?


  1. Oh dear! This just made me realize how many books I've yet to read! Sigh!

  2. I haven't read most of these, but I do love Thorne from The Lunar Chronicles. Such a great character!

  3. I agree with Arin and Jake! :D They're good literary crushes! :D

  4. Oh my yes!!! Warner! Captain Thorne! Arin!!! Agree agree!!!! P.S. When is the next Winner's Curse coming out??? isn't it soon? Like March???

  5. I haven't read any of these...or, for that matter, a book where I fell in love with a male character. I think it's time to pick up a book that makes me swoon, one of these perhaps?!
