Monday, November 30, 2015

Book Review Discussion TWO-FER: This Night So Dark by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner AND Heir to Endenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson

I'm trying to get my Goodreads number up! To help with that I've recently read a couple of short novellas. Besides which, I was dying to get a peek into both these worlds again.  Loved them both! Here are my mini reviews for them:

Book: This Night So Dark by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner 
Genre: YA SciFi
For: Fun
From: ebook from Amazon

Short Synopsis: This is the story of what happened to Tarver before he came aboard the ship that crashes... you  know, the one where he meets Lilac. (aka. These Broken Stars) and why he has been promoted...much to his chagrin. It's a sad, violent story, but it's nice to know what happened, and what he's like before meeting Lilac.

My Response: Loved it of course. I love this character. I love this world. Love love love. Read it for sure if you are into this series.

Book: Heir to Endenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson
Genre: Historical romance
For: Fun
From: ebook from Amazon

Short Synopsis: Similar to the above, this is the story of what happened to Philip before he meets Marianne... the frustration he feels having to take over the estate after his brother dies and being a reluctant eligible bachelor. And then we get to be in his head during the events of the inn when he meets Marianne, which is most awesome.

My Response: Um.. most awesome! :) Makes me want to pick up and re-read Edenbrooke in a most desperate way, but I have too many other things to read right now! If you are a fan, you know you have to get this one!

Let's Talk About: What are you feelings about these prequel and in between novellas? I used to be all turn-up-my-nose at them, but I'm finding they are quite enjoyable. As long as I can get them free or cheap! They are really fun!

Now... to find some more short fast books to read before the year is over!


  1. I might have to read a few of these novellas to get caught up to my goodreads goal too! I'll definitely be reading Heir to Edenbrook.

  2. Do you only get to read the events of the inn from him? Or, does it go more into the story? Is it the inn part that's at the beginning? Or, is it the inn part at the end? I guess I should just read it, lol.

    1. Jenni: Just what happens at the inn.. when he first meets her. Then it ends! Yes, the part at the beginning of Edenbrooke. Yes, just read it!

  3. I'm definitely excited to read Heir! Have heard nothing but good things and as much as I love Edenbrook it's a must. :) As for This Night So Dark, I wasn't sure if I would read it or no. But you say if I love the series as a whole I should, so I suppose I ought to add it to my TBR pile!

    1. Kara: I love Tarver so much that yeah, anything that has him in it, I'm there.
