Sunday, November 29, 2015

NaNoWriMo Update Four: DONE!

Actually, I got to my 50,000 words last Tuesday! So I made my goal of finishing before Thanksgiving, which is always helpful since my attention needs to be so many other places then.  And I haven't looked at my story since I declared myself a winner... and I must say, I've been missing it. Dying to know what happens next!! Because no, it is far from finished.

But I'm also frustrated with all the stuff I skimmed over and left out and forgot. All the stuff I meant to do! So here's hoping I can keep up the everyday writing habit (once this crazy weekend is over!) and finish, then fix this story.

I want to be brave enough to share an excerpt with you... let's about this dance moment:

He smiles and brings her close. In her ear he whispers, “I’m watching you.” Then he spins her away and hands her off to the next guy. Her head explodes and the dreaded dizziness descends on her again. Her feet tangle up, twisted into each other. She stumbles. But hands grab her and keep her spinning and spinning and spinning from person to person to person. How long does this crazy dance last? She’s not sure she can make it much longer and keep her dinner down.
And then, the music changes again. Slows, clears, shifts. She is handed off one last time, to someone who keeps her and holds her, steady and sure against him. She knows without looking that somehow Khol has found her in that frenzy of spinning bodies. She lays her face against his chest. It’s damp and heaving, so she knows he too has been out here dancing, this whole time. Her arms come up and around his waist. She refuses to move again for now. Maybe forever. If this dance is a throw-a-girl-around-dance, she won’t play. But his arms hold her tight, his hands press hot through the thin material of her shirt. It appears they are staying put for at least one song's worth. They barely move to the music. She closes her eyes and tries to catch her breath and dispel the spinning in her head. The movement of his chest calms her. Their breathing slows, bit by bit, and syncs together. Now, this, this she could do forever. 

The first he and the second he are two different he's in guess that's not clear from this bit! And yeah, it appears there's a dance of some sort in every story I write. Or several dances for that matter. There's just something about dancing, is there not? :)

Anyway, so there you go. Nano 2015 is a wrap! I can't believe it's over already! And now here's to another year of revising!


  1. Congrats on finishing and early too! Hope that you'll be able to find the time to make it into exactly what you want now that the rush to finish is done!

    I've never tried my hand at writing a book though I've been told I should. Somehow I feel like I'd make a better editor than an author myself!

    1. Megan: You totally should! You never know until you try! :)

  2. I'm glad you finished early and before thanksgiving. Too bad the story isn't done yet. It sounds romantic. I hope you keep it up and finish it.

    1. Jenny: I think it has much more romancey- bits than the others I've written. Trying to step it up a notch or two there and make things really intense. That's the idea anyway.

  3. Congrats Suey! 50,000 words are a lot. You can be very proud of yourself. :)

    1. Laura: A lot but not enough!! But yeah, it feels good. Thanks!

  4. Love the excerpt! Maybe soon we can read more?

    1. Cathy: Maybe! Soon! :) I love that you loved it. Makes my day!

  5. Go Suey! Congrats! And I love that excerpt. I want more!! :D

    1. Kara: YEAH! I love to hear this! I gotta fix it up and then maybe...
