Tuesday, December 1, 2015

November 2015 Reading Recap

A favorite picture of the month:
Mika poses in front of the burning bush.

Being as that it was Nanowrimo this past month and I wrote every free moment, I still managed to read! (Usually at night between the hours of 11 and midnight!)

Here's the list:

Kissing in American by Margo Raab: Eva is on a mission to see the guy she likes before everything changes.

Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray: Marguerite travels to several alternate universes to try and find the pieces of the love of her life and put him back together again.

This Night So Dark by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner: Tarver gets mixed up in a violent incident.

Heir to Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson: Philip's brother dies, he has to take over the estate even though he'd rather not, and now everyone wants to marry him!

Fairest by Marissa Meyer: What was the evil Lunar queen, Queen Levana, like when she was a teenager, dealing with her awful sister and her unrequited love? This book tells that tragic story.

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven: Violet and Finch find each other in strange circumstances and make a strong connection. If only that were enough.

Favorites of the Month: Oh man! All the Bright Things probably, and Fairest and Heir and Ten Thousand Skies! So good, the whole bunch!

P.S. I had a DNF this month. GASP! I could not get into Silver in the Blood by Jessica Day George... I hope to come back to it later, but after it took me a whole week to read 100 pages, I decided to skip it for now.

Plans for December:

  • Read Throne of Glass, finally! For book club.
  • Read Winter
  • Finish Illuminae
  • Read a couple more for the Beehive Award long list, but I don't know which ones yet.
  • Read The Life of Our Lord by Charles Dickens for family book club.. maybe.
  • And I hope to read a ton more than that this month, but right now, it's a mystery what they'll be. We'll see how it goes!
How did your reading month go? Awesome I hope!


  1. I think I missed your Fairest review??? Ill have to see.

    1. Jenny: I'm going to write it right now... it's go up tomorrow!

  2. I love Marissa Meyer. I think you'll love Winter!
    Beautiful cat!
    Happy December!

  3. I'm glad you were able to get so much done this month. :)

  4. Wow, I'm impressed you were able to NaNoWriMo and read so much! Nice work. I'm hoping to read FAIREST before the end of the year and WINTER first thing in January. Can't wait.

  5. How do you get so much done!?
