Monday, January 27, 2014

Book Review: Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi

Book: Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi
Genre: YA Dystopian/SF
For: Review
From: Edelweiss

Ah, the end of a wonderful series. Wow, I devoured this series! For me, it had everything. Awesome romance, cool characters, unique setting with both futuristic and past elements, understandable goal, despicable villains, twists and turns, sad stuff and happy stuff. And many swoon-worthy moments! (Had to get that in there since I've been thinking much on The Swoon lately!)

I loved all three books.

In this, the final book, Perry is still trying to get his tribe to safety. The atmosphere is failing, the lethal storms are getting worse, and they have word that there is a safe place to go where this phenomena is not happening. They call it the Still Blue. All of this book is trying to make this happen.

The interesting thing about it this time is that the two different worlds, the futuristic one called the Dwellers, and the rustic one called The Outsiders, must work together to make it happen. And people we thought were the bad guys may now become the good guys and the good guys are the bad guys. Well, actually there's one bad guy who will ever and always remain the very very bad guy!

We see a different side of Roar in this book. As you know (or not) he is one of my all time favorite characters and he is one angry young man in this book. His joviality is no more. It's very sad. All because of stuff that happens in book two.

Perry and Aria are working together for most of this book except for a very nail biting moment towards the end where I thought it might turn into a Romeo and Juliet sort of ending. Scary!

And then there's Cinder, who makes everything possible. Ah. Cinder. I love him too.

Things end both happy and sad, but it was a totally satisfying ending for me. Love it when that happens. But wow, I'm going to miss these characters. But it will probably be a series I'll read over and over again through the years. Also one I'll push onto anyone looking for a good science fiction type dystopian. This one is perfect!

Bottom line: I feel like I'm doing a terrible job telling you how good this is, but let's just say it one more time...I loved it!

Other Reviews:

Veronica Rossi’s writing is so emotionally compelling. Cinder and Talon and Perry and Aria and everyone — they’re all so vivid to me and I’ve become attached. I have to say, Roar might be one of my favorite characters I’ve read in a long time. From Anna Reads

All in all, I'm in LOVE with this series and will recommend it to everyone. From Annette's Book Spot

I couldn't help but read the entire book all in one sitting, because it drew me in right from the start and I didn't want to let go. From City of Books

The story is vivid and spellbinding, perfectly grafted to make us hope, guess and hold our breath until the very last page. From Bewitched Bookworms


  1. I loved this one just as much as the rest of the series. I'm just so sad that it's over. I wonder what Rossi's going to do next, though -- whatever it is, I'm sure it will be amazing!

    1. Susan: Yes, I hope so! I loved these books. High on the list of favorite series for sure.

  2. A series I have not started yet :( I know, I need to binge read the entire series.

    1. Tammy: A binge read of these books will be most awesome! Enjoy!

  3. Another series I really must read at some point!

    1. Kelly: Seriously. Put them at the top of your list!

  4. I'm so looking forward to this book! I've read a lot of good reviews which makes me less anxious.

  5. I can't wait to finish this series :) But I've seen a few people now say it's happy & sad, and that's got me worried. Mostly I'm worried for Roar. I like his character a lot!
