Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Not So Wonderful Worlds

What bookish worlds would you NOT want to visit? That's the question today over at The Broke and the Bookish. And it's an easy one to answer I think. Anything dystopian, yes? Or places with zombies maybe? And some fantasies I'd think.

Top Ten Worlds I Don't Want to Visit

1. The Road
2. The Stand
3. The Hunger Games
4. Matched/Crossed/Reached
5. The Passage
6. I Am Legend
7. The Knife of Never Letting Go
8. The Wheel of Time world
9. Under the Dome
10. Legend/Prodigy/Champion

In looking over the fantasies, I'm thinking most of them wouldn't be bad to visit. But I wouldn't want to live there!

What would you put on your list?


  1. I haven't read all of these, but I definitely agree with the ones I have read (1, 2, 3, 5)!!

  2. Hunger Games and Legend made my list as well. I would hate to live in The Wheel of Time books too.

  3. I didn't do TTT this week because I could not think of more than one answer to this question! I just have one: I wouldn't want to visit any world where awful things are happening!

  4. I didn't even think of Under the Dome, that one would be terrible!!

  5. I haven't got my list done yet. Maybe I should post about something else, but I definitely agree with the ones I have read!

  6. Under the Dome for sure! That would be awful. In fact, any of Stephen Kings books wouldn't be to fun to visit.

  7. Under the Dome - brilliant!! I haven't seen that on any other lists this week and it's such an obvious one now that I think of it! I Am Legend is also a great pick. Great list!

  8. How funny! I would actually love to be in The Wheel of Time series world. It's just so exciting! I suppose I might include it on a list like this anyway though since it also seems to be a pretty dangerous place to be.
