Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fifty Bookish Things To Do Before I Die!

I've loved this idea ever since I saw it at the last Bloggiesta (at least I think that's when I saw it!) I've been thinking and pondering my list ever since! And now it's an official Bloggiesta challenge hosted by Allison of The Book Wheel, so be sure to go and check it out and start on your own list!

This is a concept that she (Allison) and Rebecca (from Love at First Book) started awhile back and have since been encouraging the rest of us to make our own lists. For an idea of what these lists look like, here's Allison's and here's Rebecca's.

In pondering my list, I've come to realize that I've actually been working on doing these things for years (most of them since I've started blogging,) working form a list in my head and not actually writing them down. So as I now make the effort to write them down, I wanted to include some of the things I've already done, especially those things that weren't easy for me... the ones that got me out of my comfort zone! I need credit for these!

Bookish Things To Do Before I Die

Already Accomplished
(where it applies, I've linked to the proof!)

1.start a book club
2. host a read along (I've done a few now, but currrenlty this one!)
3. host a week long celebration of some kind on my blog
4. meet Markus Zusak
5. make blog business cards/bookmarks
6. connect with local authors
7. work at a library
8. be on a blogger panel
9. host a blog event (Bloggiesta!)
10. have get-togethers with bloggers IRL (the most recent here)
11. write real letters to book bloggers
12. meet book bloggers in other states (still in progress)
13. create a library corner in my house
14. run the book fair
15. compile my grandparents life stories
16. go to book signings
17. make bookish themed t-shirts

Yet To Accomplish

18. do a vlog
19. participate in World Book Night
20. put on a Utah book bloggers conference
21. go to ComicCon
22. succeed in The Classics Club quest
23. go to BEA
24. visit famous bookstores around the country/world (in progress)
25. visit famous literary sites around the country/world (in progress)
26. host a book themed party
27. write thank you notes to authors (actually I've done one, guess who to?)
28. be blurbed for a book or magazine or newspaper
29. plan and carry out a reading/blogging retreat
30. get a review published
31. collect different editions of Markus Zusak's books
32. participate in NaNoWriMo
33. meet John Green
34. finish the Wheel of Time series
35. read the books listed in the Lifetime Reading Plan
36. read the books listed in 1001 books to read before you die
37. create a meme that becomes popular and well loved
38. try an audio book
39. start a mother/daughter/father/son/parent/teen book club, maybe online?
40. write my own life essays then compile them
41. write out some of my grandparents' stories as a fiction story
42. write a picture book
43. write a novel
44. make some bookish crafts and give them away as presents

Yeah, so I guess I have a few blanks to fill in there. Suggestions? What else do I need to be doing? Well, It will come to me eventually and I'll see all your lists and copy a few things over I'm sure!

Anyway, it'll be fun to see if actually writing them down will make me want to get some of them done.


  1. You've got some great ideas here - and have already accomplished so many!

  2. Some bucket list there! Great ideas and as Lisa said above it's great you've already accomplished some :)

  3. Sure this is awesome! I am going to "steal" a few of your ideas, I think!

    The best part about lists like these is that they're fluid and can change with the times! You can add, subtract, whatever. . . just having the goals and focusing on accomplishing them is fun and can make you (you meaning like collective you out there, not just you in particular) more well-rounded.

  4. What a fantastic list! I love the idea of a blogger retreat - I think that would be so much fun! Of course, if you do it you'll have to post lots of pictures :)

    1. Allison: Doesn't that sound so fun? I dream about it all the time, but we'll see if it really happens!

  5. Fun list!! I really need to think about this one and see if I can come up with 50 things. I'm sure I could! Going to bookmark this right now!

    1. TIf: I hope you try it! Even if you don't get all 50, see.. I didn't, but I'm sure I'll be adding to it.

  6. Don't the bookmarks you made count for #43? I'm using mine right now!

    1. Susan: Yes, they count but for #5. I guess I made all sorts of bookmarks though. So maybe I can count them as a start to the crafty thing. I need to be more creative in my bookish craft thing! :)

  7. Awesome list! I like how you're so ambitious. Keep it up! This inspired me and gave me great ideas as well!

    1. Angela:I'm actually not very ambitious at all, so maybe this list will help! :)

  8. Replies
    1. Melissa: Will you be making your own list! Go for it!

  9. Haha, unfortunately, I'm kind of the opposite since even now that I'm written mine down, I don't think I'm doing enough to work on them, especially the really big goals! I want to finish The Wheel of Time series too! I just have the last one to go :)

    1. DoingDewey: I'm sure you have lots and lots of time! And way to go on the wheel of time! Only one left? No problem! I'm stuck on #8!

  10. I want to do World book Night as well. And wouldn't it be awesome to get blurbed for a review you wrote!
