Saturday, September 28, 2013

Catching Fire Movie Party

Hey all my bookish Utah friends! Did you hear we plan to have a Catching Fire movie party? Yes! Just like we did for Hunger Games when it came out! It's going to be on the evening of Thursday November 21.  Penelope from The Reading Fever is heading up the event and she needs to know by tomorrow night if you want to join us! All the details can be find on her blog here, including a PayPal payment method so she can go ahead and order the tickets, which go on sale Tuesday. Please go check it out and let us know if you want to be part of the fun! We had a great time last time, so I know you'll want to join us again!


  1. I'M COMING!!! Is your sister coming again? I enjoyed her company.

  2. Kami: She's in Arizona now, so she is probably not. I'm sure we'll see her for Thanksgiving the next weekend though! But I bet she won't be able to get here for the movie night. Oh, well.
