Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ripping and Pinning


Sounds like I've taking up quilting again, or something. And in fact, I want to. But that is not what this post is about. This is about signing up for things! More challenges! There's so much to do!

First of all, I'm sure you all know that Carl's RIP challenge is well under way. RIP VIII in fact. Wow, that's a long running challenge! But, since my September was totally book booked, I've decided to start my RIP in October and have just the one month to try and read one or two RIP-ish sort of books. (And if you have no idea what I'm talking about with all this RIPping, please head on over to Carl's Stainless Steel Droppings and read up on the details!)

So the books I'm hoping to read this month for this challenge are:

1. Bellman and Black by Diane Setterfield
2. The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice

And I'll probably do a bit of watching too, which means add this to the mix:

I would love to join in on the read along again, but I'm not going to fit in a re-read of the most awesome book, The Historian this month! Sadly! But if you, my readers, have an inkling to read that book, I encourage you to join the fun. Find out those details here at The Estella Society. You will love this book!


Also going on this month is Trish's Pinning Challenge.... Pin It and Do It! I go in spurts with the pinning thing, and I feel like I'm currently on a spurt and have in fact pinned and done-d many things just in the last week.

Tomatillo Salsa

And coming up, I'm sure I'll be pinning and doing a lot more. My daughter wants so much to try some fun Halloween decorations, plus I need to harvest our "crop" and will find ways to do so in Pinterest, plus, maybe we'll start with some Christmas-ing too. Gasp. (P.S. You can find me on Pinterest here. Beware my boards.)

So... onto ripping and pinning. Let's get busy!


  1. Fudgy chocolate chunk brownies ... mmmm .... *drools all over your blog* Now I want to make those!

    Enjoy Bellman and Black! I have that one my reading list soon, too! :)

    1. Kristilyn: You should make them, really! They were AWESOME!

  2. Quilting! ;) so glad you're joining Pin it and Do it again! I don't know for sure that I'll be thinking about Christmas but it will be here before we know it! Can't wait to see what you do.

    1. Trish: I'm definitely in a mood, so it will be interesting to see if it holds! I forgot to declare my pinning level! I'm saying the highest one!

  3. *cries* There are two recipes that include some of my favorite foods: the creamy tomato basil soup and the brownies. *shakes fist* Why must you torture me and my waistline?? Raaawr. :)

    1. Ellen: The soup is actually really quite healthy. Make it!

  4. "Beware my board." Love that! There are so many different ways to have fun with this challenge. I've been doing some editing of my boards to get ready to be pin-obsessed!

    1. Lisa: I should really edit my boards a bit too. Ah, but they are scary!

  5. Boy, that Creamy Tomato Basil Soup looks so good.
