Monday, March 4, 2013

Book Review: The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Book: The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Genre: YA (or MG) Fantasy
Rating:★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For: Review (and Support Local Authors)
From: sent from the publisher

First all, let me just say there's no way to talk about this second book without spoilers for the first one, so be warned.

I loved the first book (The False Prince) and really looked forward to this next book since I remember saying that first book ended when things were just getting really exciting! And now, it starts when Sage (now Jaron) is king, but things are not looking good and he finds he must "runaway" in order to solve some issues, namely with the pirates. Yes, pirates!

So off he goes to join the pirates, back in his Sage disguise and making some new friends along the way. He's also up to his crazy tricks, doing crazy things where only he knows what's going on and even the reader is a little confused until things are happening. Somehow, this works for me and keeps me turning the pages!

Sage will pretty much do anything to help his kingdom and we see this in a big way during this book, willing to give up even his life if need be. He is a strong character that is so fun to watch grow and become even stronger. He is definitely one of my new favorites!

I recommend this book to fans of books like The Queen's Thief and the Seven Realms series. It very much has the same feel.... which means...

Bottom line: I loved it!

Other Reviews:

As fun as it is to watch Jaron squirm and act out, the fun really begins when he runs away to reassume his disguise as Sage. He's such a deliciously sly and snarky boy. From Bookshelves Anonymous

The plot of The Runaway King is every bit as convoluted and suspenseful as The False Prince, and the pace rarely falters; it kept me on the edge of my seat. From The Bookwyrm's Hoard

The adventures and dangers Sages talks his way into are fun and exciting, and he even manages to reveal a few more of his trademark secrets in a fashion that only he could. From The Reading Fever

Thankfully and somewhat annoyingly, The Runaway King comes with more dares, risks, and adventure, making this book the ultimate middle grade adventure. From YA Novelties


  1. Definitely loved this one as well. :) So good!

  2. I'm in the middle of this right now, and it is so thrilling! I can't wait to finish!!

  3. I can't wait to read this one! I loved the first one and now I've even more excited to hear that it's just as good, if not better.

  4. I feel like I'm totally missing out on something here. I need to read these. I want to fit in. I wanna be one of the cool kids! ;-)
