Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Want to Start

Today we are listing series we want to start. I feel like I've read at least the first one of every series! Ha. I bet there's a few I haven't, now, to remember which ones!

1. The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa: I have the first two on the Kindle right now! Maybe I'll even read them!

2. Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence: I know there's at least two these ones also.

3. The Robin Hood series by Stephen Lawhead: Looks so awesome!

4. The series that starts with Arson by Estevan Vega: I heard these were awesome too. 

5. That other series (not Seven Realms) by Cinda Williams Chima that I bought the first one of: The Warrior Heir

6. The series that starts with Poison Study by Marie V. Snyder, people rave about these too!

7. I have yet to read any of the other Cassandra Clare series, the Clockwork books, you know the ones?

8. The Luxe novels look fun and I have yet to try any of them. They are by Anna Godberson. 

9. OH!!! Daughter of Smoke and Bone! By Laini Taylor! Yes, those! (There's a second one now too, right?)

10. I've been trying so hard to start and finish Old Man's War by John Scalzi! And then maybe I'll even read the next books in the series too!

Ah, they all look so good! Which ones should I go for first? 

Want to link up your list? Head on over to the Broke and the Bookish today!


  1. I've only read (in it's entirety) the Study series, and I really liked it. The Immortal Rules and Daughter of Smoke & Bone are 2 books I loved, but haven't read the next in the series yet. Hope you get to start some of these soon.

    Tanya Patrice

  2. Ah yes Julie and Laini ...both are good . I haven't read the other mundie books.

  3. I haven't read many of these either, although I really want to get to the Study series. I've been interested in that one for awhile, just no interested enough to actually read it apparently!

    P.S. I got your letter yesterday. I didn't even realize I was on your list, so it was a really fun surprise! I'll write you a real letter ASAP.

  4. Poison Study!! That is one of my top series ever. So much love for it. :)

  5. I loved The Luxe series! I thought they were a little bit of a guilty pleasure, but they are a fun quick read.

  6. Oooh, Daughter of Smoke and Bone is on my list, too. And Poison Study is great! But I've heard that the third book in the series is... not great. I've read the first two but keep putting the third off, just in case.

    My TTT is here!

  7. Poison Study is one of my favorite books! I love it!

  8. I'm not familiar with any of these, I'll have to look them up. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  9. Luxe is on my list, too! I was gifted the first book ages ago and have yet to read it.

  10. I love that your list is different from all the other lists I've read. I want to read Poison Study and Luxe too. There are so many series I want to start!!! I can't wait for your to read Clockwork Angel and Prince!!!

    My TTT Post

  11. I haven't read any of those either, although a lot are on my radar. A couple of them would have been on my list if I had more room.

    new follower!

    My Teaser and Top Ten Tuesday (#2)
    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

  12. Ooh, Poison Study and Daughter of Smoke and Bone - you are in for some delightful reads ahead.

  13. I'm with you on Daughter of Smoke and Bone...have it checked out from the library...but still haven't started it.

  14. I also want to read the Robin Hood Series! I've had my eye on that one for a while now. The Infernal Devices is amazing, Daughter of Smoke & Bone is one of my all time favorite EVER (as was the second one Days of Blood & Starlight)!!! Totally recommend those! And the Study Series is also one of my favorites!! Great choices, hope you love them as much as I do!

    My TTT: http://nightmareonbookstreet.blogspot.com/2013/03/top-ten-tuesday-series-i-want-to-start.html

  15. I have a lot of these on my list too and really I should have put Cassandra Claire on there too!

  16. Oh, Daughter of Smoke and Bone! I totally forgot about that one, but it's one that's been patiently waiting on my shelf, and everybody's got such good things to say about it. My list is getting way longer than 10!

  17. That Robin Hood series does look awesome. Luxe is okay. It's kind of like Downton Abbey only trashier. It is America after all LOL. I need to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone too!

    My TTT

  18. LOVE the Clockwork books!!!

    There are so many series that I want to start, but there are so many that I am in the middle of that I need to finish too!!
