Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Kindle: Six Months Later

It's been six months since I joined the ranks of ebook reading and so I thought I'd give a little progress report.

First of all, let me point out what I thought about the idea of a Kindle back when I first heard about it. I was skeptical to say the least. I figured nothing could take the place of holding a book. Or smelling it. I figured the idea just really wouldn't take hold. I figured it would be a long while until I jumped in.

That post, the first time I heard of a Kindle, was back in late 2007. In May 2012 I found myself with one in hand! (So, yes, it took awhile.) And all through those years, I maintained the idea that I just wasn't sure about the whole digital book thing. I was nervous about it, I worried about it.

So, six months later, I have to now admit.. I LOVE THE THING!

I have had a blast with this device so far! I find it absolutely magic to hit a button and instantly have a book at your disposal, to read whenever you want. It literally makes me giggle in delight. The technology is SO COOL. You know? Do you agree?

I worried that I wouldn't feel justified in spending money on digital objects. With songs, I could always burn a CD and have a hard copy, so that idea never bothered me there. But with books, it's not like I'm going to go print them, right? Well, so far, I've spent very little money. All the books I have on my Kindle at this point have been very cheap, or free, or have been "given" to me for review and etc. I can handle cheap ebooks! I have yet to "really" buy a book, but I'm finding that so far, this approach works for me. I love the fact that the $25 dollar gift card I got with the Kindle has managed to get me probably 15 to 20 books, whereas that amount would have only purchased maybe 2 or 3 physical ones at the most.

As far as reading it, I have to admit it's actually easier than a book. It's easier to hold, to turn pages, to see even, especially in the dark!

Another thing that's been happening that I didn't expect, I will be browsing through my books, trying to remember what I've got and what I need to read soon, and I'll just start reading one, and suddenly I'll find that I've read a bunch and might as well keep going! This never really happens with my print books, those only get read on purpose  not "on accident." I'm thinking this is both fun and annoying.... that I'll just so easily jump into reading one of these books.

I don't normally write or mark up my physical books, but highlighting on my Kindle has been really fun! I have't done it a ton, but when I do, I have a blast with it.

Besides reading books, I've enjoyed using my Kindle to read blogs, browse Twitter, check email, watch TV shows on Amazon Prime streaming (lately I'll do this while walking on the treadmill which really works well!),  and all sorts of other things.

So, bottom line, I'd say I've been converted. Ebook reading is fun. I'll take it. I'll still buy the "real" books, but I'll keeping reading the e ones too!

My only sadness is that if I read a book on the Kindle that I love (Under the Never Sky or Raven Boys for instance) then I'll want that book on my shelf too. So... there's the rub. It means I spend more and more money to feed the habit. But maybe someday it will be that if you buy the print version, you get the e one too, or if you buy the ebook, you get a print one. Do you think? I don't know. I guess we'll see.

Also, I don't like that I can't pass the book along to someone else in my family to read, or a friend, or whoever. Yeah,  I know there's a lending thing for Kindle owners, but we are not to that point yet in this household, and still, it won't work for ARCs and other such books. So. That's a bit of  a sad thing too.

I'm guessing most of you have embraced the technology  Did it take you awhile to warm up to the idea? Are you still holding back? Or are you fully converted? Where do you stand on this issue these days?


  1. I went with the nook and i was like you at first. Wary of the thing. So far I love it. I haven't spent much money either. Usually it is library books or review copies. The not passing things around sucks but it is the only downside I can think of.

    1. Hillary: Yep, not very many downsides I've decided.

  2. I'm a hold out, partially because of philosophy -- I'm a library person, and I only buy the books I love, so it doesn't seem worth it to me to get an e-reader until the libraries have more in their database -- but also because of my job. I work at a bookstore, and as much as I hate to say it, ereaders are putting us out of business. (Amazon/kindle is a very bad thing to say around my boss.) Which, honestly, makes me not a little sad. :-( Maybe I'll get one eventually, but that time hasn't come. Yet.

    1. Melissa: Makes sense I guess, though I've still spent plenty of money on print books since I've got this thing. It will be interesting to see if you end up with one some day!

  3. yes it took me a while too , but I love my kindle and love how it marks pages or quotes for me.

  4. You know I was reluctant about the whole e-reading thing, but I've become a convert. Sorta. I still read more physical books than e-books and, if given the choice, I still prefer the former over the latter. But, the Kindle's great for toting around a large number of books, for getting ARCs via Netgalley, and for gaming (I don't use mine to watch movies or surf the Web and I only check email/Facebook on there occasionally). So, overall, I really like the Kindle. Like you, I've gotten most of the books I have on it for free, so yeah, it's been a good investment for me.

    1. Susan: The Netgalley thing has been really fun, and something I would have never tried without having an ereader.

  5. Congrats on falling in love with your Kindle!!! It's a great feeling, isn't it? I've fallen equally in love with my Nook and find the e-reading experience as fulfilling as a reading experience with a printed book. Good stuff!

  6. I love my ereader too. I probably read more because I have it. I struggle with not being able to pass along good books too, so having a paper version is good for that. I love it though!

    1. Cary: I love it when you comment! :) I think I've been reading more since having it too.

  7. I have had my Kindle for 3 years and I was in love immediately. The highlights and dictionary are super features for me. I read faster on the Kindle.

    There have been a few that I was to have on my shelf but not necessary as I am not a rereader.

    The only downfall I would agree is not being able to lend the book to who you want. I get the lend feature but it is only to 1 person and usually the person you want to lend doesn't have a kindle so it won't work.

    1. Marce: I feel like I read pretty fast on it too... interesting, hadn't thought of that one.

  8. I kind of go back and forth... Sometimes I LOVE it and other times I don't touch it for long periods of time... I still prefer real books. :)

    1. Kailana: Interesting...I think mine goes in little phases too, but at this point, they are very little.

  9. When the Kindle first came out I was horrified! E-books? What?!? I just thought it was the craziest thing I'd ever heard, lol.

    BUT, I'm ready to take the plunge and buy one. I'm nervous about which one to go with, etc. I don't buy books anymore unless I know I'll re-read them. I'd love an e-reader now mostly for review books.

    1. Jennifer: That's exactly how I felt! Good luck choosing one ( I decided I'm more of an Amazon person than a B and N person, which helped me) I'll be anxious to hear how it goes!

  10. I don't like lending out my book, so I find it a nice excuse to say "awww darn I have it in ebook." :) I buy the full-priced ebooks all the time because I tend to buy them the second before I read them. That keeps me from having tons of books just sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. I love all the things you do about ebooks - I mark those ebooks up like mad and it makes it so easy to write reviews. I personally like the e-ink screens, but ebooks rock :) Glad you've come over to the dark side LOL I don't mind having ebooks instead of the real books, but I know I'm in the minority on this. I have an ebook for Divergent and the hardcover for Insurgent. It doesn't bother me but I know it drives some people mad!

    1. Jessica: Good one! (About the lending!) I would like the e ink screens too but the Fire screen isn't bad. Yes, I'm like you where having mixed books isn't the end of the world.

  11. I love the idea of buying a print book and getting an e copy with it. Disney does that with their DVD's, sort of. (probably because they know the small kids will trash the DVD's anyway...) But I think that'd be popular.

    I don't think I'd love having a e-reader. But everyone I know who felt that way and then got one has converted. :)

    1. Kathy: I still haven't figured out how to get the digital copies of the movies! I know it's there, but gah, sometimes it makes my head spin to figure it out.

  12. I have a Kobo and I LOVE it. I bought it in February and initially just used it for review books, but it's just so handy! And there are a whole bunch of indie authors I've found who only seem to release ebooks, so I feel very lucky to be able to read their books now. I think the only deterrent for me is the price. I find a lot of ebooks to be way too expensive!

    1. Kristilyn: I don't even know what Kobo is like! Yes, I agree, indie authors are fun to be able to read on this thing too. Yep yep!

  13. I was initially a hold out, but now love my nook! I use it mainly for free ebooks and review copies, and think I've spent less than $10 total. Think I'll always love physical books, but have room in my life for both. :)

    1. Alexia: I've almost used up my initial $25 gift certificate. It blows my mind that I've got some many books on my kindle for that amount. "room in my life for both" Love that!

  14. It's interesting to read your thoughts. I only have the Kindle app on my phone but I do enjoy it. I wish I could "accidentally" read a book. :(

  15. I'm with you. I love my Kindle too. Long live e readers!!

  16. I am in total agreement! I too said never never never, and now have one and love it. The thing that finally pushed me over the edge was how lovely it is for traveling. I live far away from my family and go for visits for a week at a time usually, and you know that there's no way I'm going away for a whole week without some books to read. My kindle makes my suitcase much, much lighter! :) So I'm definitely a convert, but I do not forsee me going totally digital. I still love holding a book in my hands. But I do think I'm enjoying a very happy compromise between print and e-books.

  17. I go through phases where I only want to read on my Kindle and where I only want to read paper books. If I love a book, I will DEFINITELY buy a paperback copy; and I won't pay more than $5 for an eBook. But I do have to say it's nice for reading public domain novels and novellas and short stories. That's basically what I have on there. :)

  18. I absolutely agree with you. I love my kindle (my preciousssss); I use it very often but I still read paper books when I have the one.
    On the other hand, my boyfriend loves MY kindle too, so that's a little problem ;)
    I think I know what to present him for Christmas :D

    (sorry for my English, but I'm Spanish and I'm trying to learn!!)

  19. What a great post. Thank you for sharing! I should write a follow up post on my kindle as well. Thanks for the idea!


  20. I'm in the process of being converted. I don't yet own a kindle, but I regularly borrow one to read e-books that I've been given for review. I've agree that its easier to hold than a physical book, and it seems to be easier to get free books. I'm hoping to buy one of my own for Christmas.
