Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Classics Club November Question: Am I Scared?

Today I would like to answer The Classic Club's November question, which is:

What classic piece of literature most intimidates you, and why? (Or, are you intimidated by the classics, and why? And has your view changed at all since you joined our club?)

While I'm not too very intimidated by the classics (at least I wasn't, I find them harder than they used to be lately!) there are some pieces that do scare me quite a bit!  The one that comes to mind right off the bat is Ulysses by James Joyce. Not sure I'll ever have the guts and fortitude to tackle this one! 

I remember one time I checked it out of the library simply because I'd heard it about it somewhere   (I think it was back in the beginning of online book clubs) and so I saw it and thought, what the heck. The librarian at the counter sort of freaked when he/she saw it and basically said to me... "Seriously?" I wondered why.

Until I read the first page or two and I instantly knew... this book was HARD. It made no sense. And when I came to understand that it was ONE day in the life of some dude and it was... what?.... nearly a thousand pages long? Oh, boy. How? Just how?

Well, of course I took it back unread, and I haven't tried again since.

Some are scared of War and Peace. That book isn't so bad really. I read half of it and I'm determined to finish it some day. The peace parts are awesome. The war parts.... those I don't get, but maybe, just maybe I can do it!

What classical book intimidates you?


  1. I really want to read Les Miserables, but it is daunting. I don't know if I'll be able to make through, but I want to try!

  2. I think I'm terrified of them all, lol. But, I'm trying to read at least two per year and it's been really good for me. I'm glad I have.

    1. Jenni: That's an awesome goal. What's next on your list?

  3. I have started Anna Karenina a number of times, and ever since I said, "I will read it before I die," I am afraid to read it now...

    Love James Joyce but Ulysses intimidates me as well (most large tomes do, though) but I had a Professor who was an expert in British Lit (particularly Modern) and she couldn't get through it and figured she probably never would, so I have since excused myself from that one.


    1. L: I've read Anna Karenina TWICE! Wow. I think you should go for it. And I think I'll excuse myself from Ulysses once and for all too.

  4. I love the classics, but Ulysses scares the pants off of me! I've never even attempted it so kudos to you! :)

    1. Jennifer: Do you think reading a page or two was attempting it! LOL. I should least give it a 50 page chance, yes?

  5. I don't know what your scared about Suey... 1,000 pages sounds like a breeze for you! I personally would want 2,000 of a "can't understand a single word" piece of literature! Are you joking me??? every classic out there scares the heck out of me! So hats off to you!

    1. Megs: Well, 1000 pages of CERTAIN books is a blast... other certain books? Not so much! Hmmm... what classic book do I need to make you read with me? I'll be thinking...

  6. Oh yes, Ulysses is one of the books that scare me. But, in general, I like classics. Just a few days ago I finished a novel by a Spanish author (I'm Spanish), which I was very scare of, and I found I liked it very much!
    But I have to say that some classic books are too boring: Tristam Shandy, for example, it's suppose to be hilarious, and it isn't (I don't recommend it). The same with The Quijote, one of our classics: you can't read a line without checking the dictionary 2 or 3 times, it's terrible!
    But fortunately, these are exceptions :)

    See you!!

    1. Isi: Ah, Don Quixote is one I've also always wanted to read. Yes, it scares me. Oh, and go for War and Peace! You may end up loving it!

    2. My recommendation is not to read Don Quijote. I'm sure there are a lot of much more interesting and entertaining classics!! :)

  7. By the way, I have War and Peace in my shelves since ever! I should read it!!

  8. Oh, Ulysses isn't even listed in my Classics Club Project! I don't know, but I'm not interested at all in it. But good luck for you anyway (will you at least give it another try?)

    1. Fanda: I don't have it on my actual to read list either... probably because it scares me so bad! LOL! I doubt I'll try again, too many other things to read.

  9. Yeah, Ulysses is definitely an intimidating classic. I would also add Moby Dick to that list and anything by Tolstoy.

    1. Tasha: Oh, Moby Dick. I want to try that one too. I've read a good chunk of it, but got stuck. Dang.

  10. Oh man, this one scares me to death. Over the past couple years I've tackled a lot of the books that terrify me. I found out that Moby Dick, Les Miserables and War and Peace are all wonderful in their own way. But I'm just not ok with this one.

    1. Melissa: I agree, they usually aren't that bad once read! But this one? Ack!

  11. Big books, even classics, don't frighten me too much, but this is definitely one that gives me the heebiejeebies. I just don't think I could manage it! A thousand pages of being lost and confused is about 999 too many.

  12. Wow...I'm glad I switched that one out for a different Joyce book! Scary! I do hope I read it someday, though.

  13. Ulysses appears to be a popular intimidating book in this group! :) I almost chose it, too, but I didn't know WHY I was intimidated by it...I only knew that I SHOULD be intimidated by it.

    My November Meme is here
